Chapter 20

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As spring begins to tumble into summer, the once chilly shelters become full-blown sweat boxes. All blankets and sweaters are pushed aside in favor of t-shirts and tank tops, leaving me continually shocked by the boldness of the people at the camp. In Eximius, even in the hottest weather people wore pants or long skirts and I quickly find myself terribly overdressed. Here, people wear so few clothes, I can see their skin darkening in the bright sun.

Sienna helps me cut the bottoms off a pair of my pants and finds me tank tops and t-shirts that others have grown out of, but walking around the camp casually in so little takes some getting used to. I have no mirror to see what I look like but the glimpses I catch of myself in the water's reflection fill me with paranoia. Logically I know the rules are different here, but walking around looking like this in Eximius would mean authorities at your door within minutes.

The upside of the heat is that it means a whole new world of entertainment for the camp. Water fights, especially between those with water and wind powers, become quite popular and are highly enjoyable to watch. Josh, having talent with all of the elements, takes to tossing water at me when I least expect it, resulting in more than a few battles that quickly escalate into all-out-wars involving our whole group. Even Sienna joins in, laughing and tackling the others when they sneak up from behind. At first I pretend to be annoyed, but the joy is just too contagious.

In the evenings we go down to the river and swim. There's a small cove at the edge of the valley with a little waterfall that is especially popular. Someone fashions a swing out of some old rope that they gather from camp and we take turns swinging from it into the water, our laughs echoing against the bright oranges and reds of the setting sun.

Even when we aren't swimming, the river is surrounded by people, everyone eager for a chance to dip in their feet or splash their faces in the cool water. Sienna, Josh, and I are sitting by it one afternoon, dangling our fingers over the edge when I finally get up the courage to tell them about the photos. Or, one of the photos anyway, seeing as Sienna interrupts me before I can get to the other with the exact question I knew she was going to ask.

"You thought Erica was your grandma?"

I sigh dramatically, casting an irritable glance at Josh who's too slow at hiding the smile that's crept onto his lips. "That's not the point," I say, impatiently, trying to remember why I ever wanted to tell her in the first place.

"She and your mom look nothing alike."

"Yeah, okay, but that's not that weird. I look nothing like my dad..."

"And that would make her and Griffin siblings. Are you kidding? Have you even seen the two of them?" Sienna continues, seeming not to hear.

I glare at her, crossing my arms stubbornly. "Can I just finish what I was saying?"

"Fine go ahead," she kicks her feet out, leaning back on her arms like I'm inconveniencing her. I give her a look, but continue anyway.

"Seeing that photo, it just got me thinking. I thought my mom was in danger because she came from a family with powers, but she didn't ever actually say that. All she said was that she had connections to a family with powers. In fact, she's never once said anything about having powers herself." It's a thought that's been nagging me since the day I saw the photo, but I haven't been brave enough to voice it to anyone until now. In the weeks past, I'd searched my mind for any other possible explanations, but I just kept coming back to the same conclusion.

Sienna and Josh exchange a glance.

"Lilly, your mom has powers," Josh says. "She's a leader here. That wouldn't just happen unless she had earned it."

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