ACT I. Chapter one

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Deep inside the obelian dungeon laid a beaten and bruised woman no older then eighteen, with tangled blonde hair filled with dirt, blood, and sweat, blood stains of her dirty white dress, her skin pale and dirty from not seeing sun light, and smelled like  a rotten corpse, one might think she's only a simple common woman but the woman is no commoner but a princess

An abandoned princess

And her name is, Athanasia de alger Obelia

The first princess of the great obelian empire

Athanasia laid on the cold dirty floor with no thoughts in her mind, ready for her execution, one might asked how come a princess like her will be inside a dungeon to be executed, and she'll only answer that it was fate

Accused of poisoning her sister, the lovely princess of obelia, Jeanette de alger obelia who was poisoned and went into a coma, the only culprit anyone could think of was the abandoned unfavored princess. Athanasia sat in the cold wet dungeon ready to be executed over a crime she never committed, she pleaded for her innocence but her father barely listened to her pleas and sent her to the dungeons to be executed

"I would never hurt my sister!" Athanasia wiped  her tears

"I just wanted your love! What did I do for you to hate me so much, Father?! I did everything right and more, what does Jeannette have that I don't?" She begged for an answer to the man who wasn't even there. The guards eventually came in and picked her up, even though she barely fought from their tight grip, they dragged her to the execution stadium where she would die

I guess it's time at least I'll meet mother she gave herself reassuring thoughts

When they reached the podium where her execution is being held, the people began to scream and threw slurs at her


"How dare you try to hurt our lovely princess!"

" die you witch!"

" half breed Siodonnian whore!"

" daughter of a common whore!"

They yelled while throwing stones at her, one of the guards that were dragging her had to block her from getting hit by stones out of pity, the girl had already looked dead. They reached and stood on the podium where the noose stood ready to use, Athanasia was forced to kneel down

" today we bare witness justice being served, on the count of treason against the crown, princess Athanasia is guilty of conspiracy and attempted murder against an imperial member!" The announcer declared of her crimes, cheers became louder as forced her to stand up, tears freely fell from the princess who stayed quiet. she looked at the people who attended her execution, most were happy celebrating even, others looked at her with pity, while other simply looked away. Athanasia looked down and seen Lilian York breaking down begging for trial, the only thing Athanasia wanted to do was run into her arms and be protected, she wanted to say her goodbyes and thank her for caring such a useless girl as her

"Princess athanasia any last word" the guard asked as he wrapped the noose around her neck, Athanasia glanced up and looked at her father with a slight hope that he would call off the execution, but her father had only glared at her with contempt and satisfaction of her demise. Athanasia chocked back a so, she now truly understood her place

I should be happy with this death I can finally see their true selves

People who judge

People who are laughing

Someone who keeps their mouth shut

Someone who pretends not to know

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