[ClassMates- Pt.1]

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"Good morning, Xiao!" A cheery voice echoed from within a nearby classroom Xiao had already passed by.

He was certainly no stranger to any looks and comments he'd receive from various schoolmates. And this new golden haired boy was to be no different, but yet somehow— he was.

A couple weeks ago Aether had only just arrived. Now, Xiao would find on most days that Aether's gaze would wander in his direction, his eyes lit up every time Xiao was nearby and he always seemed overly-friendly towards him despite knowing very little besides rumours. More or less were some actually true. But although Xiao hadn't been able to discern Aether's kindly behaviours it always seemed to make him flustered each and every time. Then soon after bumping into each other time and time again, Xiao came to two realizations; that Aether's actions were in fact genuine,

and that he himself was absolutely smitten over his new blond haired classmate.

As Aether; being the only one who's ever happily greeted him every morning, Xiao knew exactly whose voice it belonged to. And as if being drawn towards it he couldn't help but make a quick stop— to confirm his suspicions.

The blond noticed his appearance and acknowledged him with a simple wave. Both males immediately making direct eye contact. Xiao's eyes widened, feeling his heart almost pound out of his chest. Whether he was aware of it or not his face brightly flushed into a shade of pink, and he was gone.

Aether blinked; surprised, assuming they had become a bit closer to being friends but maybe they weren't as close as he thought, at least for now. Either way, this time they only had a brief encounter before Xiao retreated back to the hallway.

This was all still too confusing.

'Maybe I'm thinking about it too much' Aether sighs heavily. "Well— you can take as much time as you want, you're lucky I'm patient!" The teasing blond hurriedly rushes to the door chuckling to himself while he scans into the hallway. Only to meet a lingering someone unexpectedly.


Xiao: 'Dammit..' ///

Aether: "Hm?" (*'▽'*)

Xiao: "Uh—!?" (////)

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