Chapter 1: Confession ⚘♥️

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So this is my first time writing my own au about FNAF SB. I just have to say Both Sun and Moon are in separate bodies a they both have dicks ( don't ask me how idk, but any way just read to enjoy.

If you guys don't like things like this just go and find something else to read no necessary for hate deal with it.  Anyway  if guys  enjoy reading this kind of shit have at it. Now  read damn it!! )
Sun's talks like: Mooney~
And as for Moon talks like:  Sunny~
And as if they were to do Smut they both talk like: Sun: Mooney~  Moon: Sunny~

In the daycare everything was just fine, like no other day. The daycare attendants were done cleaning and decided to do other things to make them feel not bored. Sun however felt like there was a need to tell Moon something that had been on his mind since the time he had developed feelings for Moon.

But couldn't tell him before, thinking that Moon couldn't have felt the same way, just the way Moon acts were completely different from Sun and even though they are friends, Sun just couldn't help to think it might be the best to not tell him even if it hurt him inside. 

However as Sun what seemed like to be in deep thought, Moon couldn't help but notice the look on Sun's face as if something was bothering him. So Moon walked up to Sun and called his name, but to no avail Sun was in too deep with his thoughts to hear Moon calling out to him. 

Moon: " Sun… Sun… damn it Sun will you fucking look at me!!!" 

Sun then snaps out of his mind to see a pissed-off Moon in his face. 

Sun: " M…Moon um… w…why are you…looking at me l…like that?!"

Moon: " I've been trying to get your attention and calling your name for the passed five fucking minutes damn it! What the hell were you even thinking about so hard to the point you can't hear me calling out to you?" 

Sun: " w…well um… are you… I mean I'm not e…even sure you want to know about- " 

Moon: " Sun look at me and tell me what's wrong? You look like something is bothering you really bad and that look on your face tells me you're either sad or disappointed at something, so what is it that's making you look like this." 

Sun: " * sighs * ok you want to know the truth * blushes at the thought of kissing Moon * * sighs again * well I actually have a question for you and you don't really have to answer right away, but I really need to get this off of my chest, so my question to you is that don't you ever get this feeling like there's that one person in your life that you love and you want to not only protect them, but to be with them as much as possible? I… I mean it's just a question * sighs again nervously * 

Moon was shocked to hear this kind of question that Sun had just asked about, which got Moon to think of what Sun was talking about. Then suddenly Moon got to the realization of what Sun was asking and it made him blush to the point that Sun noticed the blush and even he blushed even more red than before.  

Moon: " S…Sun are you saying you are in l…love with me? "

Sun: " y…yes is that a p…problem Mooney~?" 

Moon: " * Mooney? * n…no it's just I didn't know you were in love with me, I mean you could've just told me without making me worry about you earlier." 

So do you guys thinks Moon will accept or reject Sun? Tell me what you guys think if I should do a good ending or a bad ending.  Which if were a good ending as like Moon accepted Sun or a bad ending like Moon rejected Sun and something violent happens? Don't know but let me know down in the coment section...

Special Love ( Sun x Moon Smut ) FNAF SB AUWhere stories live. Discover now