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(My MC is on the cover)

*30 trillion years ago*

A nine foot tall, impossibly skinny, yet also furry creature was walking over the boiling sea-yes he can walk on water- while staring at the stars above him through the holes in his skull like head. Suddenly, he sees a glowing in his peripheral vision, and walks over to see... a human child? And in truly strange clothes.

They finally notice the Eldritch horror near them and they float a short distance closer. "Hi. What are you? Are you one of the Titans? You don't look like the other Titans I've seen."
The lanky creature decided to ask his own questions. "Are you not afraid of me?"
The strange human child shakes their head. "You look a little weird, but not too scary."
The creature hmphs before extending a clawed hand. "My name is Wendigo. What is yours?"

The human looks at his hand and appears uncertain on what to do. Wendigo gently grasps his hand and leads it into his and shakes gently. The human's enthusiasm grows slightly. "Hey, this is kinda fun."
After letting go, Wendigo asks again. "May I have your name, young one?"
The human suddenly looks sad. "My name is Aurora."
Wendigo looks thoughtful (how he pulls off expressions with a skull is beyond me). "I see. Where did you come from, Aurora?"
The human points up. "Space. My siblings, the Archivists sent me down here to play with the Titans. Speaking of, you didn't answer my question. Are you a Titan?"

Wendigo peers down at Aurora, taking interest in their child like aura despite their obvious power. "I am a titan. You want to play, hmm? Alright. Would you like me to take you somewhere to play?"
Aurora nods frantically. "Yes yes yes yes yes!"
Wendigo chuckles at Aurora's enthusiasm before holding onto them. "You might want to hold your breath."
Aurora takes a big breath as he and Wendigo dematerialise and rematerialise on a large island. (It's the same way Belos does it in his fight with Luz)

After arriving at their destination, Aurora falls to the floor retching. Wendigo rubs the back of his skull sheepishly. "Sorry about that. It's been so long that I forgot first timers get travel sickness. It'll pass. Just give it a minute."

After Aurora recovers, he points at Wendigo. "That was a neat trick. How do I do it?"
Wendigo ruffles his white hair while walking, with Aurora following. "In time little one." Wendigo summons a large cloak made out of shadows as Aurora looks on in confusion. "What are you doing?"
Wendigo pulls up the hood to conceal himself. "I am not like the other demons that live here. I don't want to draw the wrong kind of attention."
Aurora is more confused now. "What do you mean? You're a titan! You can sneeze everyone away."
Wendigo raises a bony finger in a way reminiscent of a know it all. "We titans have a saying. 'If it lives, it dies.' It has two meanings. First, never underestimate your opponent. A Titan may be powerful, but we still die. This land we walk on is evidence. The second meaning is to never give up. When all hope seems lost, whether in life or in battle, there is always a way."
Aurora is in awe with stars in his eyes. "That's so cool."
Wendigo nods in his hood. "It is very cool. That saying was invented by Olven the Wise. He's the Titan we currently stand on."
Aurora scratches his head in confusion. "His name is Olven the Wise? That's a weird name."
Wendigo chuckles. "His name wasn't the wise. That was his title." At Aurora's still confused look he continues. "A name allows individuals to distinguish one another. A title is a testament to your achievements, what you've accomplished in your time in this plane of reality. Depending on how you live, you can earn more than one title."

"Do you have a title?"
Wendigo is taken aback by Aurora's boldness despite netting less than an hour ago. "...yes. A few. Not ones I'm overly fond of."
Aurora floats up to Wendigo's head. "What are they? Tell me. Tell me tell me tell me tell me tell me tell meeeeeee."
Wendigo waves him away like a fly. "Alright. Titans can walk between worlds, so some of my titles are foreign, but I am known as Wendigo; the Lich King, The God of Death and The Famine."
Aurora looks giddy. "Why aren't you proud of those? They sound so cool and intimidating! The Lich King! Ooh I got goosebumps. How'd you get 'em?"
Wendigo sits on a rock off the path. "Titans have access to great and powerful magic. We often experiment with it, to find out what it can do. In my travels across universes, I invented and mastered a dark form of magic, widely known as necromancy. It allows me to manipulate the souls of creatures both living and not. I earned my titles after having done this. Although, The Famine is more a derogatory title given to me by the other Titans, but in another realm, I was seen and they thought I was an evil spirit, so that didn't help."

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