Chapter 1

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*Present day*

Kings looks over his home sadly and waves to the isle. "Uh, hi."

Luz looks sadly over the boiling sea as Hooty hangs from his porta Hooty. She leans back and hits her head against the wall and stares up at the sky. She names passing clouds to pass the time. "Rabbit. Ice cream cone. Castle. Castle?" She stares intently at the castle cloud and her eyes light up in realisation. She bolts up and grabs King. "You're castle!"
King squirms around. "What are you talking about Luz?"
She puts him down. "You're castle King. We have to go to your castle. There might be a clue about your parents or where you came from."
King crosses his arms and looks sad. "But we've already been there, and there wasn't anything except some old carving."
"That's what we thought, but what if we just missed something because we didn't know you're a titan. I mean me for the doors was shaped like a keyhole and we just walked through it."
King looks thoughtful as he holds the tag on his collar. "Ok. But don't expect to find anything too groundbreaking."
"Yes! King, you won't regret this. Salty! Chart a new course!"

They soon arrive at King's island, and Salty is staring in shock. "Well I'll be damned. When did this island get here?"
"No idea, anyway thanks Salty, we'll be back in a bit. Don't go anywhere!"

She puts King on her shoulder and runs into the woods towards his castle. Luz stops when she hears cawing and looks up to see a crow circling them. "Have I seen that bird somewhere before?"
King looks up angrily at it. "Yeah. He's been here every time I've come." His eyes widen and a smirk takes over his features. "Hold on, I've always wanted to do this." He stands on Liz's shoulder and takes a breath. "WEH!" He lets out a sonic scream that knocks the bird out of the air and it falls.
"King!" Liz gives him a look.
"What's? The bird was annoying." He crosses his arms.
Luz rolls her eyes and jogs towards where the bird looks like it landed. She finds it stuck under a branch, but when she gets closer to inspect it, she sees an interlock on the bottom of its foot. "It's a paslisman. Do you know anything about King's parents?"
It tilts it head in confusion.
Luz points to King. "Him."
It slowly nods.

King storms toward it. "What!? Where are they?"
It pecks at the branch that has it trapped. "Oh right. How do we know you're not going to fly away?"

A short while later it's in a wooden cage that Luz made with a plant glyph. She holds it up like a lantern. "Lead the way."
It uses its beak to point in certain directions and they eventually wind up back at King's castle. "Back here?"

They go inside and follow it's beak to a blank wall. King gets mad. "There's noting here." He starts shaking the cage as it squawks. "Do you actually know anything? Talk you stupid bird!" It pecks his hand and he back off holding his paw. King gets sad and leans on the wall. "Face it Luz. There's nothing here. Just like I said."
Luz is sad for a moment before a smug expression crosses here face. "Don't be so sure." She pints at where kings hand is on the wall and the section of stone is glowing before the wall shifts to the right to reveal a hidden room.

They enter the room and see something covered in vines in the centre. "Hold on I got it." Luz burns away the vines with a fire glyph to reveal a lanky creature with a deer skull for a head suspended in orange liquid. "Woah." Luz takes a step forward but Ling stops her.
He pints to the ground at a bunch of symbols over the ground surrounding the creature. "Look out Luz. There are sigils everywhere."
"Oh. What do they do exactly?"
He crouched down and looks at them. "They looks not like the sigils we have in our fridge to keep food in stasis. Whatever put this thing here, they wanted it to stay here."

Suddenly the crow palisman loses his mind in the cage, causing Luz to drop it and it shatters. They both leap at it to stop it doing anything, but instead of flying away, it drips to the grounds and swipes away a large number of the sigils on the ground and they all fade away.

Luz and King watch the creature closely, waiting for any sign that they should run. But all it did was shake itself awake and look at them both. It looked at King especially long.
"Luz. What do we do?"
Luz looks nervous. "Hehe. Maybe it's a relative. I can certainly see a... resemblance."

The creature in the tube presses a single claw to the glass and it instantly shatters as Luz and King duck for cover. Stepping out of the remains of the tube, it shakes the liquid from its fur before looking at where Luz and King were hiding and striding over to them. "King?"
Extremely confused, King walks out from his hiding spot. "How do you know my name?"
The creature gestures to itself. "I am Wendigo. And I have been waiting for you, for a long time."

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