Introduction of the Zodiacs (part 2)

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It's time to learn a bit more about the Zodiac, shall we? Great, Let's start with Aries and so on then..

It's time to learn a bit more about the Zodiac, shall we? Great, Let's start with Aries and so on then

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Aries Ramheart
Look's: Like the picture, but with red eyes instead. The second tallest sign
Personality: competitive, "leader", hot-headed, aggressive, stubborn
Nickname's: old man, uncle Aries (himself)
Friends: Sag, Leo and Gemini
Dislike's: When his friends gets hurt

Sees himself as the leader of the group and can be extremely protective at times.
The fun leader

Taurus Bullshoot Age:15Look's: Like the picture, tallest girl but 3 tallest signsPersonality: extremely stubborn, lazy, loves chocolate, honey and good with kids

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Taurus Bullshoot
Look's: Like the picture, tallest girl but 3 tallest signs
Personality: extremely stubborn, lazy, loves chocolate, honey and good with kids.
Nickname's: honey (Aries), chill, ru-ru (Pisces)
Friends: Capricorn and Pisces
Dislike's: Work, Aries and pranks

Wanna find peoples stashes? Then ask her.

Gemini TwinAge:15Look's: Like the picture , 4 tallest signPersonality: kid, troublemaker, has hard to decide things, serious at times Nickname's: Ini, Gem, Gemmy, dipshit Friends: Fire signs and Cancer  Dislike's: being bored

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Gemini Twin
Look's: Like the picture , 4 tallest sign
Personality: kid, troublemaker, has hard to decide things, serious at times
Nickname's: Ini, Gem, Gemmy, dipshit
Friends: Fire signs and Cancer 
Dislike's: being bored

Talking to Gemini is like talking to two different people at the same time. You're never bored when Gemini gets an idea.

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