Midnight party

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Taurus pov

By the time me and Virgo entered the hotel, Capricorn and Ophiuchus was nowhere to be seen. It was dark outside and I suppressed a yawn while glancing at the entrance. A couple of posters were up and I dragged Virgo along to get a closer look.

"There is a midnight party tonight." I said summarising what I just read.

"And you want to go?" He asked while reading the poster as well.

"You said it not me."

He sighed and reached for his hair. "Shouldn't we ask Capricorn and Ophiuchus if they want to come?"
Shrugging I told him that we could ask them if we find and we both started walking together to our rooms. On our way we met Capricorn who was just walking around clueless. You didn't have to be a genius to know that the younger girl got lost but when I asked her, she didn't want to admit it.

"So, Capricorn wanna go on a party with us tonight?"  I questioned and Virgo filled her in on what she missed. As expected she agreed and the three of us decided to go to Capricorn's room so we could discuss about the party.

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"So what should I wear?" Capricorn asked while searching through the suitcase. Virgo shrugged and sat on the bed besides me. A bit bored I started playing with his hair which gave me a questioning look at first. But seeing as I wouldn't stop, my boyfriend decided that it was better to let it go.

"I don't know, do you have anything good in there?"

Capricorn thought for a moment before digging once again in her suitcase. She pulled out a neon pink dress and showed it. "This?"

The dress itself wasn't bad but it did work with her. She looked like a doll and I laughed quietly at the thought.
"Try another one."

After another moment of digging she finally found a brownish leather jacket and a pair of black pants. That should work. "Great now go and change."

"Now what should we do with you?" I asked turning Virgo so he could face me.

"I do not like that look on your face." He gulped afraid and I hummed knowing exactly what he should wear.

"Is it too late to turn down the invitation?" He asked while flashing a smile.

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"Just put the goddamn dress on!" I yelled kicking the door.

"Never!" A muffled voice replied.

"But you will look pretty with it on and it has lights on it." I tried but he yelled back a no.

"Okay then you leave me no choice." I said making my voice as threatening as I could. I looked around in Capricorn's room and found a purple hairpin on top of a pile of clothes. I gave Capricorn, who was laying on her bed a questioning look but she shrugged so I took the hairpin and tried to open the door. A click was heard and Virgo yelled as I dragged him out of the room.

"Put the clothes on!" I ordered and he unsurprisingly did as I said.

"Now," I said moments later, looking at my handsome boyfriend outfit. "It's time for me to find my outfit."

"Does this mean that I can find my own as well?"

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"Finally I am ready." I was posing in front of the mirror. I had borrowed a black-white suit from Virgo and Capricorn had done my hair. Good the only thing missing was the two pairs of sunglasses that I had in my bag.

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