Pizza night or game night?

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Cancer's pov

"It was Virgo!"

"Taurus, chill I only wanted asked if you could please order a some pizza now that we don't have any food." Capricorn said awkwardly.

"Oh yeah, I-I will do it right away." She said running away.

A few minutes later...

" Soo, does anyone wanna play card games until the pizza comes?" Gemini asked nervously.

"Sure." I heard Sagittarius, Aries and Aquarius say.

"Can me and Pisces join?" Leo asked.

"Everyone can join if they are want to." Gemini shrugged.

"What are we going to play?" I asked joining as well.

"How about uno?" Pisces suggested. "I have some cards in my bag."

"Sure, but does everyone know how to play?" Aries asked.

"Duh, everyone does." Sagittarius answered.

"Will be back in a sec." Pisces said running upstairs.

"Okay so how many are going to be playing?" Gemini asked again.

"Me, Aries, you, Aquarius, Pisces and Scorpio." Sagittarius said smirking. Ow it hurts getting forget like that, or wait never mind that was just Taurus stepping on my foot.

"I don't wanna play a uno." Scorpio said pouting.
"Count me out."

"Alright buddy, counting you in!" Sagittarius exclaims.

"Wait, no."

"I am back and I brought monopoly if anyone wants." Pisces skipping in to the room.

"Ok let's start the game night." Taurus said.

"Wait, we can't start the game night. We need someone to say the holy game night words. Leo said dramatically.

'Lol, and they call ME dramatically?'

"Since when did a game night need a holy word to start. I said surprised.

"Duh everyone knows about the holy word, did your mom drop you when you were a kid?" She said roughly.

"I thought that you out of all the people here would know that I am adopted." I said blinking the fake tears away.

"Oh my bad."

"Um anyways. I now declare that the first game night is officially open." I heard Aries say.

"We are going to the living room everyone." Capricorn announced.

"Yes mam." Sagittarius said skipping to the living room together with Pisces.

"BESTIE WAIT FOR ME." Leo cried out.

"This is going to be a long night." Virgo sighs and the rest of us followed them.

When I entered the living room I saw Taurus watching tv and the others setting up the game.

I joined the circle and saw Sagittarius carrying Scorpio with him to join us.

"Young man, you are going to play uno whether you like it or not."

"Do I have to?"

"Yes, now be a good kid and join the circle."

"Yes mum."

"Bitch, how dare you assume my gend-." Sagittarius roared jokingly but Pisces interrupted him.

"Let's start then." Pisces said handing out the cards to everyone.

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