Chapter 5: On the brink of extinction

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Katt being carried to a cell on the mothership. She was terrified because she didn't know what would happen to her.

Dreadstor: hmm ... you must be the girlfriend of this blue one, I'm sorry but you'll never see him again!

Katt: How do you know that? and where are my friends?

Dreadstor: In my torture chamber, but don't worry, they'll be fine, we just need you as the bait for that blue fox.

Katt: what do you want from him?

Dreadstor: I saw great power in him, and since I cannot take it from him for myself, I will take him all for myself, do not worry, he will be much happier as my servant *sinister laugh* take her to the bridge.

The soldiers took Katt who when she was struggling, she shouted: YOU WON'T GET AWAY WITH THIS!!!

Dreadstor: we'll see ...


Zack: damn, I don't know what to think, the last Truth Jewel is like a stone in the water, and I also have a bad feeling that something is threatening my friends!

Dark Zack: eh stop whimpering and help me look!

Zack: ... you know what? screw this last jewel! I'm not going to sit like this anymore, something is threatening my friends, and there's no way I'll leave it like that!

Dark Zack: eh, you're stubborn, but okay, let's go but don't blame me for screwing up!

Zack: okay okay, just come on, we gotta get to the mother ship of the invaders!

Meanwhile, at Professor Furpaw's base.

Professor Furpaw: idiots ... IMBECYLES! I told them just to attack Furland and to leave everyone alive so I could take over the world! AND DO NOT CAUSE AN APOCALYPSE!!! Never mind, now I can send my army!

Professor Furpaw sent his robots to attack.


Zack: So this is the mothership, huh?

Dark Zack: that's right

Zack: ok, let's go!

Dark Zack: wait, I don't know if it's a good idea, who knows what's hiding there?

Zack: hmm ... right, we better take it seriously, but delicately.

just as they were entering the ship they saw Furpaw's robots.


Dark Zack: damn!

the robots attacked, but what was weird was that they were attacking the invaders and not Zack and Dark Zack.

Zack: er ... what the heck?

Dark Zack: I dunno?

Zack: Anyway, let's go.

they went inside, and what they saw exceeded their wildest expectations.

Zack: KATT ?!

Katt: Zack!

Zack: Katt, what are you doing here? what did they do to you

Katt: Zack, you have to run! he wants to get you!

Zack: who?

Dreadstor suddenly landed behind him and Dark Zack.

Zack: oh crap...

Dark Zack: shit...

Dreadstor: I've been waiting for you ...

Zack and Dark Zack turned slowly.

Dreadstor: You probably have the Truth Jewels, I guess?

Dark Zack: ...

Zack: Dark Zack just don't give them to him ...

Dark Zack: I'm sorry but I have to if I want to get the answer to my question, but there are only 3 jewels in there, the last one is lost ...

Dreadstor: because I have it ...

Dark Zack: w-what? but how?!

Moondrop: surprise!

Zack: wait, you're the one who wanted to delete us!

Moondrop: and that's right.

Dreadstor: now, one more thing ... *takes Zack's hand and disappears with him*.

Katt: NOOO!!!!!

Dark Zack: damn!

Katt: now what?

Dark Zack: Follow me! *runs*.

Katt: hey! wait! *follows him*.


Dreadstor: well, now that I have the Truth Jewels and Zack who will become my servant, I can destroy this world in peace when those who live on it have no way to defend themselves!

Moondrop: wait, destroy?

Dreadstor: naturally, this planet and its inhabitants are not worth saving their lives, they don't even know how to defend themselves well!

Moondrop: but... you said you just wanted to take it over!

Dreadstor: Yes I did, but I have changes of plans and nothing or nobody will get in my way ...

Moondrop could not believe her ears, but whether she wanted it or not she had to agree to it, so she became sad and said: yes, father ...

Zack, losing the remnants of consciousness due to being locked in a transformation capsule, saw that Moondrop not only did not like her father, but was afraid of him, he knew that something had to be done, but he was too weak to do something about it, so he did something to he didn't believe he was doing it, he gave up.

Furry Warriors: #5 Time of doomWhere stories live. Discover now