It's Better

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*****3 YEARS LATER*****

"Flora! My girl!" I said as she was taking out of the car by Emily and Mr. Dobyne.

"Mama!" She yelled and toddled up to the porch and I picked her up as gingerly as I could.

"Was she good?" I asked and they both nodded.

"She was, she loves helping me with the goats." Mr. Dobyne said and I smiled.

"Tillie, should you be lifting her?" Emily asked and I groaned.

"I'm 7 months pregnant, I'm okay." I said sitting on the porch as Flora rubbed my belly.

"Brother?" She asked and I smiled.

"Your daddy sure hopes so." I said and everyone laughed as Martha came out of the house with drinks for everyone.

"Shouldn't Jimmy be home by now?" Martha asked and I sighed.

"Yes..." I said with a groan.

When Jimmy proposed at the train station of course I said yes, there was never a doubt. We quickly went to the bank and stopped the sale on the land and bought it all back. Jimmy and I quickly got married, then had Flora right away. We moved into the main house, we fixed up the small shack that Jimmy and I used to hang out in, and it was where my mother lived and Jimmy's parents still lived in his house. We got the farm hands back and the fields were thriving. I got up and Flora moved over to Jimmy's dads lap who was now sober and working on his life.

"I will go get him." I said.

"No way! You can't be walking the fields!" Emily yelled and I shook my head.

"I'm fine. The exercise is good anyways." I said and they all groaned. I started down towards the old barn and I saw a couple workers come walking towards me.

"Hey guys. Where is that husband of mine?" I asked and they laughed.

"The barn Mrs. Dobyne." Harold the one worker said and I smiled.

"It's just Tillie, Harold." I said and he smiled.

"I know but you are finally a Dobyne." He said and I laughed. I headed to the barn and as I approached, I heard my husband.

"God damnit!" I heard him yell with a loud bang and I sighed.

"Lovely..." I said and he sighed and turned to see me and smiled.

"What are you doing all the way out here?" Jimmy asked and I sighed.

"Well, our daughter and my in laws are wondering where you are because we're ready for dinner." I said placing my arms around his neck and he sighed placing his hands on my hips.

"I was trying to fix the barn door before I came home. It came off the hinges again." Jimmy said and I sighed. I looked then pulled him down to me and passionately kissed him.

"Can't it wait until tomorrow? Flora is dying to see you...she misses her daddy." I said and he groaned.

"You use that little girl against me and it's not fair." Jimmy said and I smiled at him.

"I know, just wait until this one is born." I said and looked down at my belly.

"It's going to be a boy. I know it." Jimmy sighed and I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever it is, we will love it unconditionally." I said and Jimmy nodded.

"I love you Tills." Jimmy said and I smiled at him.

"I love you too." I said and he leaned in to kiss me again.

"DADDY!" I heard a little voice yell, and I looked panicked knowing someone let her come off the porch.

"Flora?!" Jimmy said releasing me and we saw her toddling down the walking path, but we saw Emily watching from the other end. Jimmy knelt down and picked her up and I smiled as I walked over back to them. Jimmy looked at me as he put his free arm around my midsection and rested his hand on my belly.

"Brother!" Flora said noticing and Jimmy laughed.

"I think so too." Jimmy said and I nodded. Jimmy looked down at me.

"This is the life I saw. When I told you I saw life together, this was it." Jimmy said and I smiled.

"Just as perfect as it was then?" I asked and he shook his head and I looked at him shocked.

"It's better." Jimmy said, leaning down and kissed me.


I hope you all enjoyed Jimmy and Matilda.

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