Chapter 12 - Birthday Girl

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2 days later...

"Pops I can't deal with that bitch no more. How much longer this shit gon' take?" Onyx asked as he puffed on the cigar he was smoking with his father. He'd stopped by to talk with him about what happened at Cassidy's place.

When he first told his father what happened it enraged him causing him to jack him up in the process. He felt like he had made a deal with the devil and wanted out badly.

His father wasn't having it though, he needed the community center to happen for more reasons than one. Reasons he wasn't willing to disclose. He and the Mayor had been spending time together frequently and were close to closing on the deal soon. "Another month son and we're good." He informed before patting him on the shoulder.

Onyx sucked his teeth at the words he heard. "Another month with her weird ass gon' have me in jail. Or dead if Promise finds out what the fuck going on." Onyx admitted.

"I know you not letting a woman get under your skin. I taught you better than that, so stop acting stupid and weak." Omar commanded. He was starting to feel disdain for his son due to his choice of words.

Onyx rose in his seat not liking the tone his father had. "Ain't shit weak about me. Remember we do this shit because you asked me to. Frankly, I don't give a fuck about getting shit from her or her father no more. This shit just getting out of hand and stressful." Onyx retorted before standing up to leave, getting angry at his father's words.

"Remember blood is thicker than water son. Loyalty is what we live by too so remember that as well." Omar stated before taking a long drag from his cigar and then blowing out smoke.

"Yea whatever." Onyx said from behind him.

He walked out of the foyer of his father's estate and opened the door to see a curvy Latina woman standing behind it. She looked to be in her late 30s but her body said otherwise. He looked her over before returning his gaze to her face with a mug. The fact that his father had women knocking on his door didn't sit right with him. He knew his father had a life to live too now that his mother was gone but it still hurt to see.
"Hi, is Omar home? I need to talk with him." She said interrupting Onyx from his thoughts.

"Yea, but before I let you in here I need to know who you are. You could be the opps." Onyx admitted while smirking. He knew she wasn't but wanted to fuck with his father's company because he'd pissed him off.

"Opps? What is that?" The older woman asked. She was thoroughly confused and could feel the animosity spilling from Onyx's tone.

"Sabrina, come in. Onyx stop being a dick." Omar interjected before opening the door wider for his lady friend to go inside.

"You first." Onyx said before heading to his car to leave. He climbed inside and cranked up the engine then sped out of his father's circular driveway. The birthday bash he had planned for Promise was soon approaching and last-minute details needed to be handled.

30 minutes later.....

Onyx stood at the entrance of the venue he was having decorated by Promise's boss and her best friend. It was looking like a page torn out of Forbes magazine and he couldn't help but admire it. Walking further into the building he took notice of the decor that was intricately placed everywhere. Pink and gold detailing lined the walls along with marble detailing of the same color on the tables. TVs with pink LED lights behind them were hung on the walls and had slideshows playing her favorite photos. Pink and gold curtains hung from the ceiling and a pink throne chair sat against the wall where gifts were gonna be. It even had a 3D sculpture of her face on each table. He rubbed his hands together at the handy work he saw, feeling excited about the reaction he would get from Promise.

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