Chapter 18 - Stay Scheming

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"Ms.Wilson, what is your connection to Onyx Jones." The middle-aged white detective asked.

Promise looked at him through tear-filled eyes. She was scared, not only for herself but for her baby too. Accepting the role to be Onyx's woman now seemed like the wrong decision to make. The questions that swirled inside of her head had her feeling confused and indecisive. She didn't know what was the right or wrong thing to say.

"I'm not speaking to you without my attorney." Promise replied with what she felt was her best move.

The detective turned red in the face. He honestly thought he was going to be able to crack Promise who seemed naive and emotional. People like her came a dime a dozen. However, Promise was not to be considered typical.

"Do you know that you're covering for a cold-blooded killer?" Detective Garner inquired while scanning her face for any sign of deception.

Promise in return smiled before saying. "Lawyer please."

Out of frustration Detective Garner banged his fists on the table. "You're lucky you're pregnant, if not I would've cracked your ass by now." He said before walking out of the interrogation room and slamming the door behind him.

Promise exhaled deeply, letting the uneasiness she felt subside from the nonstop questions he was throwing her way. As she sat there she couldn't help but wonder what Onyx had done or gotten into. He was usually smart with how he moved. Him getting caught up didn't even sound right.

Hours later her attorney Nicki Smith walked in. She was well-known and powerful in Atlanta. The word bad fit her. She was a tall curvy woman with caramel skin and hazel-green eyes that were mesmerizing. Promise felt blessed that she had her on contract. She watched as she walked around the table and sat beside her, hoping she had worked her magic.

"I have good news and bad news." Nicki stated as she folded her hands on top of the table.

Promise sighed before speaking. "Bad news first please."

"Bad news is that they're trying to charge you with conspiracy to aid in the distribution of drugs and accessory to murder. They believe that you helped hide evidence in the crimes that were committed and knew that drugs were being sold. The good news is they're releasing you because they can't prove the shit they're trying to pin on you." Nicki explained to Promise who was listening intently.

"So I'm gonna have pending charges?" Promise asked as her heart dropped from hearing the news Nicki had for her. She thought about what happened a day ago. She had been sleeping when Onyx came in dressed in all black. When she saw how suspicious he looked she woke up and started asking questions. Mid-conversation she noticed blood on his hands and face. She recognized instantly what he had cane from doing, and got rid of his clothes after helping him shower.

"Basically, but I'm confident they're gonna get thrown out. They might try to spin a narrative about the assault charge from months ago but I'm ready to play ball with their ass. Trust me, as long as the money is good you won't even be able to smell what an actual prison is like." Nicki boasted about her skills before flipping her blonde 26-inch Indian Remi install that was parted in the middle. She was the definition of sophisticated and classy.

"Money is definitely good." Promise retorted before rubbing her belly which was slightly cramping.

"Great, now let's get you out of here. Jail is no place for a pretty and pregnant woman such as yourself." Nick's southern accent dripped with character as she talked.

Both women left the precinct after handling the proper paperwork for Promise to be released. It was well after midnight and quiet inside the Porsche Cayenne. Nicki dropped Promise off at her Penthouse and left after telling her to lay low and keep out of things that could lead to the police being suspicious.

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