Chapter 13 - Life is good?

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November 19th...

"Your hips spreading for real bae." Onyx spoke while rubbing Promise's now protruding belly. She was 3 months pregnant and Onyx was loving every bit of the weight the baby had her putting on.

However, Promise hated it. The morning sickness was really getting to her and the weight she was putting on had her depressed. She was having mixed emotions about being pregnant as well but didn't disclose it to Onyx to spare his feelings.

The excitement he displayed broke her heart every time she got the courage to mention how she really felt. Between him and her parents she didn't know who she'd disappoint more. Her father's disapproval would tear her apart being that she was having a child out of wedlock. It didn't help that the holidays was days away and they would have to see them sooner or later. She didn't even think she could get pregnant naturally and was trying to absorb what her new reality was going to be.

"I know right? I'm getting thick. My summers are gonna be lovely." Promise joked to get rid of the thoughts that were consuming her mind.

Onyx gave her a look that said "don't get fucked up", which caused Promise to break out into a fit of laughter. She knew he was dead serious but couldn't contain the amusement she got from his moody antics.

"Alright, you laughing now but you gon' be crying later when them cravings hit." Onyx retorted smugly.

Promise smile turned into a frown at the words she heard. "Stop playing Onyx. That would be cruel." She whined as she thought about not getting the snacks she craved every night.

"I'm not playing." Onyx replied before shrugging.

"Okay well if I don't get my snacks, No sex. Simple." Promise retorted before shrugging as well.

Onyx thought about how the pregnancy had her pussy feeling better and wetter than before and decided to recant on his choice of words. "Come on bae, you know I'm just talking shit." He said before placing his head in the crook of her neck and kissing it.

"Mhmm, you better be."

"I can't wait to find out what you having, I hope it's a boy." Onyx expressed before rubbing her belly again.

"I just want a healthy baby." Promise yawned before stretching out in the bed. It was after 10 at night and she was growing tired.

"I can dig it. But look I was thinking we should move in together. That way I can take care of you and the baby better. What you think?" Onyx asked while reading her face to see how she'd respond.

"I don't know. I value my independence and we don't know how it would be, to be in each other's space everyday."

"You forgot you lived with me for a short amount of time? Plus, I'm over here damn near every day, except the days I'm handling business. I wanna raise my kid in a two parent household. That's how both us were brought up so I know you understand the importance."

"I do but it's still different. I want the same thing, I'm just not ready yet. Give me time to think about it, please."

"Alright, you got it. Imma need an answer before your due date though." Onyx said before getting up and putting on his shoes and coat.

"Where you going?" Promise asked while scanning his face for answers.

"To get your shit. You not finna wake me up out of my sleep to go to the store. I'm deading that now." Onyx replied before kissing her on the lips.

"Be safe." Promise instructed before kissing him back.

Onyx nodded his head and walked out of her bedroom then out the door. The drive to the store was quiet and peaceful giving Onyx a sense of tranquility. He knew that months from now it would be sort of hard to get that with a baby around, so he was enjoying it as much as he could.

He arrived to the gas station and double parked his truck. The store only had a handful of people in it which made Onyx sigh in relief. He didn't wanna be approached by people who knew who he was, being that he was a ghetto superstar. One of Promise's cravings were pickled eggs and he could only get that in the hood so he braced his self for potential encounters.

Gripping his gun the entire time, he walked to the back of the store and got the stuff she wanted. As he walked back to the front to pay for the stuff, in walked Cassidy who was with an unknown man. It was crazy because if Onyx didn't know any better he'd say she was fucking with his look a like and pregnant too. The guy she was with could pass for being related to him from how much they resembled. Onyx chuckled to himself at the irony and walked up to pay for the stuff he had in hand.

The clerk rang and bagged up his stuff, Onyx grabbed it and began walking out, completely ignoring her presence. Before he could head out he felt a hand touch his shoulder. He turned around and was met with Cassidy who had a weird look on her face. It was almost as if she was trying to tell him something without saying it.

"Why you touching me?" Onyx inquired while looking at her in disgust.

"We need to talk." Cassidy responded before folding her arms.

Onyx looked behind her and couldn't help to feel the evil eye he was getting from the dude she was with. He nodded his head at him to let him know he acknowledged his presence before directing his attention back to Cassidy.

"We don't got shit to talk about. You might wanna go back over there with ya man he don't look to happy that you in my face." Onyx said before turning around to walk out of the store.

"You ain't gon be happy either in a lil bit." The unknown man retorted with a mug on his face.

Onyx halted in his steps before saying behind him. "That's a bet." And walked out of the store.

He didn't care to hear what Cassidy had to say. She was dead to him and was lucky she was pregnant. The things he had planned concerning her were nothing short of torturous but he was giving her a pass. However, the guy she was with wasn't getting off so easy.


Onyx walked into the apartment and gave Promise the snacks he'd got from the store. Attitude was evident in his actions and it didn't go unnoticed by her.

"What's wrong with you?" Promise asked in concern.

"Nothing, I'm straight." Onyx dryly replied. He didn't feel like talking about what happened at the store. Nor, who he ran into.

"I guess, thanks for the snacks." Promise responded just as dry. She wasn't in the mood to pry into what was going on with him. Exhaustion being the main reason why.

"You welcome." Onyx said before taking off his shoes and hoodie then climbing into the bed.

Promise looked at him then rolled her eyes before indulging in the snacks he brought.

Onyx felt her change in energy but chose to ignore it. Too many things were on his mind and what they were about had him feeling sick.


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