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America's POV:

I made my way up the many stairs to my room slowly. I actually feel kind of groggy, maybe I'll be able to actually sleep through most of the night tonight. 

It is still storming outside, the sounds of wind and rain seem louder now that everyone's chatter has quieted down for the night. I found it rather unnerving. I'm not afraid of storms, actually I usually like hearing them through the walls at night, but tonight is different. The storm is too violent and anxiety inducing to provide any sense of pleasure. Even as I climb these steps, I can still feel the quick, flashing sensation of lightening touching down on my land throughout my body. It is very uncomfortable when it is at this kind of intensity.

I ignored it as best as I could as I made my way from the stairs to my room. I immediately went into the adjoining bathroom to brush my teeth. Dixie walked in when I was about halfway done and gave a small wave as he sleepily put toothpaste on his own brush. I said goodnight to him as I finished and walked back into my bedroom, receiving a muffled goodnight in return. 

I sighed and ran my hands through my now dry hair as I stood at the foot of my bed, staring at it for a few moments before jumping on it and just laying there, enjoying the soft fuzziness of my comforter. I only sat up for a moment to take off my sweatshirt and throw it onto the foot of my bed before flopping back down. After a few moments I realize that I haven't taken my sunglasses off yet, or my watch for that matter. I rolled over and crawled over to my nightstand on the left side of my bed next to my pillow, taking my glasses and watch off before flopping back down, not even bothering to get under the covers. 

Knock knock~

I groaned quietly before sitting back up and putting my shades back on, "C'm in," I said lazily.


Canada's POV:

Aussie had gathered New Zealand and me up after we had gotten ready for bed. He claimed that we needed to have some "sibling time" with America, and we agreed, if not a little grudgingly.

I led our little pack to America's room on the top floor, stopping at her door and raising my fist to knock. I paused for a moment, not hearing anything from the other side of the door, not even the rustling of covers, could she have already gone to sleep? I don't really want to wake her up, not when we could probably have this conversation in the morning.

As I was about to back out, New Zealand beat me to the punch, surprising both Aussie and myself when he moved forward and knocked on the door himself, having become impatient with me.

We waited for a second before hearing a sleepy come in and I opened the door. I walked inside with Aussie and New Zealand right behind me before shutting the door once more for a little privacy.

She was half-laying near her nightstand on the bed, with her elbows propping her up, her scars visible with her discarded hoodie laying on the foot of her bed. Upon seeing us, she sat up further, still using her arms as supports as she leaned back a little. "Hey," she said, not seeming very surprised by our sudden arrival, she must already know what we want to speak with her about.

"Hey," Aussie and New Zealand replied, their previous zeal now gone as they stood awkwardly around the room, neither of them wanting to start the conversation anymore. I just shoved my hands into the pockets of my pajama shorts and looked at our older sister, unsure of how to proceed.

Sensing the awkward tension, America sat up with her legs crossed and leaned her elbows against her knees instead of the bed. She looked at us sadly, with guilt partially hidden behind her sunglasses, and patted the space in front of her on the bed.

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