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As the black van drove away, America instinctively dove back into her van and pulled the car back onto the road, speeding towards the black van.

"Mass!" America yelled, "Radio Dix and tell 'em to head to the old quarry a couple miles north. Say that if we don't meet them there in a half hour to go to the Big House without us."

Texas jumped up, leaning over the middle row of seats, "Are we gonna get Uncle Nada back, Ma?"

"We're sure as hell gonna try," America replied, "you got your gun?"

Texas ducked down for a moment, retrieving her revolver from under the seat before popping back up and checking for ammo, "Yep! Locked an' loaded."

"Good, 'cuz we're 'bout to do somethin' crazy. Lou, I need you to climb over here and grab this gun," America said, pointing at the large gun from before that she had thrown into the passenger seat.

Louisiana climbed over the middle row of seats to reach into the passenger seat and grab the gun. "You want us to shoot their tires out, right?"

America nodded, "Yep, I need you in the passenger seat aiming at their back tires and Tex, I need you in the middle row behind me. You're going to climb out of the window halfway to aim at their front tires. Mass, I need you to hold onto your sister so she doesn't fly out when I hit the brakes. Nobody shoot until I say so, alright?"

The states agreed with their mother's plan and got into place, eager to take action. Louisiana climbed into the passenger seat and rolled the window down to stick the gun's barrel out of it. Texas climbed into the middle row of seats and rolled the window down on the driver's side. She handed Massachusetts her gun and climbed out of the window so that she was sitting on the car door, her brother handed back her gun and she readied herself. Texas only needed one hand to shoot, so she aimed her gun with her right, using the roof of the van to steady herself, and held on to the handle above the window with her left. Massachusetts wrapped his arms around his sister's lower legs and positioned his own to push against the car door so he could pull her back inside when the van swerved.

Seeing that the states were in position, America speeds up. Mentally, she was screaming at herself for doing something so dangerously reckless with her kids in the car, but she knew it was necessary. Who knows what Phobos is doing with their captives, she can't let anything happen to her family, even Britain.

Hardening her expression, America begins to pull up alongside the van, just enough for her front wheels to line up with their back ones. She moves to the left a bit, to give her girls better shots. America braces herself, both vehicles are going at least seventy and climbing. "Shoot!" she says.

The girls shoot in unison, both hitting their targets. The black van's driver's side tires were both popped and the vehicle swerved violently to the left, hitting a concrete barrier that had been around a construction project and coming to a stop after it knocked the barrier back at least eight yards. It came to a stop in a hole in the ground left by construction workers who were bound to be very surprised when they came back in the morning.

As soon as she heard the shots, America had slammed on the brakes, grabbing Louisiana with her right hand so she wouldn't hit her head and keeping her left one on the wheel. Massachusetts reacted quickly as well, pushing off of the van door with his legs and keeping a tight grip on his sister as he yanked her back into the van. Texas let out a yelp but was unharmed, putting the safety back on her gun as soon as she could.

The van swerved to the right and slowed down quickly, barely coming to a stop before America parked it and jumped out. "You guys stay here and be on alert, I'm going to check out the van and help them out of the back. Lou, you get in the driver's seat and be ready to drive away if necessary."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 11, 2023 ⏰

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