3. A Plan (rewritten)

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 UN began listing off names, lumping nations into groups of around ten people, with some exceptions. I took a moment to marvel at how he somehow managed to keep most nations who liked to butt heads apart–of course, not everyone was kept apart that should be, but the groupings were still pretty neutral. At the same time, most nations who considered each other family were kept together. UN's determination to keep the peace, even in a time of danger such as this, was admirable to say the least.

Before he had begun listing off names, UN had cautiously unmuted everyone, allowing for some brief discussions on when groups would meet. A lot of nations had to stay with others far from their homes, with many groups consisting largely of nations who resided on different continents.

"And, in the final group, are: UK, England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Ireland, Wales, Canada, France, Australia, and New Zealand... and, obviously, Canada's provinces." UN finished, briskly adding on the bit about the provinces.

I mentally thanked UN for not including me in any of the groups, though I was beginning to wonder how he got EU and ASEAN to agree to it. It doesn't really matter, I suppose, as long as I can remain by my states' sides to keep them safe.

"Ay, wait a minute!" The sound of Australia's voice tied my stomach into a knot. It only tightened when I looked over to see his and New Zealand's matching expressions of scornful dismay. "You didn't say America's name. Who's she with, huh?"

Dammit. It took all of my willpower to not facepalm. I hid the grimace that slipped through behind my hand as I watched the slight panic creep into UN and NATO's features. Our family isn't exactly close anymore, I honestly hadn't expected anyone to speak up–neither had UN, by the looks of it.

As the silence stretched on, Australia's expression soured even further, "Are you serious, mate? You just forgot about her?"

New Zealand spoke up as well, "Really? After all that talk about how this is for our safety, and then you go and forget about America?" Quiet snickers gradually filled the background like white noise.

UN began to flounder, he hadn't been expecting anyone to notice, no doubt. I watched for only a moment before stepping in, "Guys, I'll be perfectly fine, you're overreacting."

"No, we're not!" Australia retorted, "There's a buncha psychos out there, attacking personifications, and you're all alone!"

"Not to mention, you only have two neighboring nations, neither of which are going to stay. America, you're going to be the only personification in North America." New Zealand gave me a pointed look through his screen.

A dry laugh escaped my throat, if only they knew. "Honey, I promise you, I can take care of myself. Besides, my house doesn't even have an address–most of 'em don't, actually. If Phobos wants to find me, they'll have to try pretty damn hard." A southern accent warmed my voice slightly as I tried to get my little brothers to just leave this alone.

The twins were hardly appeased and Australia opened his mouth again to speak. Luckily–or maybe unluckily–for me, though, my father beat him to it. "Let it go, Australia," UK spoke up with a coldness poisoning his voice, "If she wants to remain alone, let her. It will be her own foolishness that gets her captured when Phobos comes for her and no one is there to save her."

Not gonna lie, that stung, but what else is new? I rolled my eyes, "Just remember who has a history of coming to who for help, old man." My voice was dry as I shot back, but I didn't bother with matching his cold tone, that's a part of him I have no intention of emulating.

The old brit scoffed, but I caught a snicker from my brothers, even France, my stepmother, hid her mouth behind her hand as her eyes crinkled in hidden amusement.

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