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Its been 6 months since he has came here to drop off food and any books that I might read. I learnt a long time ago that he wasn't my father. Every now and than he would move me around and keep me away from people and the world and Iv made peace with him not letting me go. I have had to grow up fast and understand the world as it is. He has tried to sell me a million times but to no avail. Iv learnt the most powerful words at the age of 13 when he sold me for sex. All I had to say was " I am Phila Mazibuko stolen daughter" and Ill see grown man shiver and never to come back again. Yes ill get a beating of a life time but it was worth it knowing that this man who is my father have saved me from being turned into a sex slave. He has saved me from being a toy that man use and place to the side. In this journey iv meet many woman that he brought and I have helped nurse back to health but that stop when he learnt that the ladies help me and every time someone sees me than cops bust at that place but he always manages to hid me and now here I am in another basement. 19 years of my life spent in basements after basements without human contact but with that shimmering hope that my father will find me.
Hi I have no idea what my name is but the crazy man calls me Imo. All I know is that I have a very powerful father by Phila Mazibuko. I have no idea who my mother is but am pretty sure she loves me endlessly. This is my story!!!.... Do not read this book without reading Blue roses!!!!

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