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The basement in SA
Iv given up in trying to escape but lately there have been a lot of people moving around this place. I don't know if it was out of fear or not but I haven't screamed my lungs out like before but for a month now people are moving around during the day and at night its as quiet as it can get. Its been a day since iv eaten because all my food is now finished. The fridge was empty and so was the little boxes that he always brought. He always brought me cooking books and everything thing that in them so iv never starved. There were good days and bad days where he will come here screaming at me ruining his life. I once suggested for him to let me go and I promise I won't tell on him but he will get very angry and beat me to a pulp so iv stopped. I slowly walked to the little bed that I have by the far end of the room and lay there looking at the little drawing i did of my father. I kissed my hand and touched where it was and closed my eyes sleeping like a log from starvation and exhaustion.

Its been 6 months of torturing Scelo and that little bitch hasn't said a word of my daughter whereabouts. I haven't told Nkosazana that iv found him cause over the years she always get that little hope that we will find her but than our little girl is not there anymore so the past 6 months the guys and I have been torturing him but he still wasn't telling us anything. Iv killed every one of his connections, anyone that has seen my girl and might have caused her any harm or played a role in hiding her. Iv turned into a beast over the years but I still had hope that she was alive and well.
Ntokozo: Go home bafo. His dead!!
The frustration of him giving up like a coward frustrated me so much. I washed my hands from the blood and drove home in silence. I got in to find Nkosazana and the twins about to have breakfast. I kissed the boys forehead as they grinned and walked to Nkosazana and hugged her as I cried. I cried of all the years iv lost with my girl and of all the disappointing leads we have had but mostly I cried because I just couldn't take it anymore and the only lead that had her died in y hands.

I mouthed to the boys to take they found to the lounge and they did. God bless they kind soul, they were everything to us and the reason we were still alive. My husband was dying inside and I couldn't do anything about it, iv tried but he was slowly losing himself and today was the worst cause he just broke down in front of the kids. I held him tight without saying anything as he let it all out and when he was done he kissed my cheek and left to the bedroom. The boys walked in and gave me hugs.
Zanovuyo: His going to be fine mama
Zanothando: We love you
Me: I love you too guys. I wiped the tear that I had as my 16year olds hugged me. These moments are what keeps me going. Phila replicas with a heart of gold.

Somewhere in SA
I woke up early and got myself some coffee than got in the truck drove to the other end of the farm at the small barn that was falling apart. I got there to find two of my workers standing there waiting for me.
Me: Guys
Them: Boss
Me: so today we just going to go in see if there anything we will need here and go to the basement bring everything out than bring it down so we can build a new one.
Them: sure. They went in as I walked around looking at the new wiring that that its has and new pipes going underground. The windows were painted black to stop light going in. I took out my knife and scrapped the window while drinking my coffee and I saw a body in a pink setting. I got up and ran to the door and kicked the heavy locked door and walked in a room filled beautiful paintings on the walls and books all over and the most beautiful girl iv ever seen in my life laying there slowly breathing by the rise and fall of her chest. I stood there struck by her long lashes, bushy eyebrows and long curly hair and small lush pink lips. My two helpers stood there behind me looking at her shocked.
Me: did you know about her?
Them: no
Me: we been here for a year and you all say you don't know about her?
Them: No sir we never been inside the cabin.
Me: okay. I pulled the tiny pink chair she had there and sat on it drinking me coffee as the two left and I waited for her to wake up...

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