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Watching her laugh and enjoy every second out was a joy. I got in the car and drove off as I saw two guys tumbling each other on the floor. I drove off
Imo: Thank you
Me: For?
Imo: the best wedding ever.
Me: one more stop. I drove us to Tiffanies house. She owns a jewellery store and keeps the best pieces in her house in a safe. We parked and got to the door greeted by her.
Imo: what are we doing?
Me: You need a wedding ring.
She looked at me shocked as we were surrounded by jewellery all over. From rings to chains to watches it was diamonds all over.

I watched them drive pass and Ntokozo got off me.
Ntokozo: What wrong with you.
Me: He kissed her
Ntokozo: So?
Me: did you just say so?
Ntokozo: Just get in the car am driving you home.
Me: No
Ntokozo: if you want your daughter to hate you than fine let drive up to her house and watch you beat up the only human that has been kind to her after all the shit she been through.
That got me silent as we drove home.

I didn't know what I wanted and I didn't know that picking a ring could make me so emotional.
Nqubekho: You can pick more than one if you like.
Me: They look so expensive
Nqubekho: they reasonable.
Me: You sure.
Nqubekho: Pick something you like for yourself and something you will like for me too.
I stood there confused until I saw a soft pink set. Its had a clear soft pink rock not too huge bore too small that would settle perfectly on my fingers. There was a bracelet that had charms on it keys and hearts and there was a chain too that had a heart that you can engrave a name. And there was a male watch and a white gold band with a clear diamond and I could engrave something in it
Me: I like this set.
Nqubekho: than let get it
Me: you sure?
He turned looked at the lady and she took it.
Me: what dod you say?
Nqubekho: I told her what to engrave on the rings.
Me: And the heart?
Nqubekho: she going to fetch a paper for us to write it out.

I drove to Nkosazana and found her glowing. She really gets more hot with each year.
Me: You look amazing.
Nkosazana: Thank you. You not too bad yourself.
I sat by the counter as she was preparing food just as a fuming Phila walked in and Ntokozo walking behind him.
Nkosazana: Babe
He raised his hand and vanished as Ntokozo threw himself on the chair.
Nkosazana: What you did to him?
Ntokozo: ay sisi uyahlanya lo.
Phila: Call that guy tell him to bring my daughter tonight!!!
He roared from the other room. We both looked at Ntokozo but he just shrugged.

On our way home we passed a truck that was out of place with two guys with caps. I know a recall guy when I see one and these two are spying on me. I looked at the number plates and silently drove home. We got it and I picked Imo up just the phone rang. I answered.
Voice: Its Nkosi

He was on loud speaker with everyone listening.
Nqubekho: yes
Me: They here
Nqubekho: Okay
Me: Uhm, are you free tonight.
Nqubekho: Hold on....
We could hear him speak on the other end as we were quiet.

He held me with two hands and I could hear that he wasn't himself.
Nqubekho: Remember I promised to help you find your parents?
Me: Yeah?
Nqubekho: Well they here and eager to see you.
Me: Oh
Nqubekho: Is tonight okay or you want to sleep on it.
Me: You coming with?
Nqubekho: Yeah
Me: Promise?
Nqubekho: I promise.
Me: What if they hate me?
Nqubekho: We talked about this. They don't hate you, there nothing to hate.
Me: Am scared
Nqubekho: Me too but we got this okay?
Me: Okay
Nqubekho: So tonight?
I nodded and he kissed my head and moved to the phone.

We were so silent. The emotions he had in his voice when speaking to her brought tears and the fear in her voice. Everyone was quiet wiping tears.
Nqubekho: Sure ill bring her
Just like that he went from that caring man I heard a few minute ago to the cold distant man on the call.
Me: Thank you
Nqubekho: Cool
I was about to hung up when he called my name.
Me: yes
Nqubekho:kindly call off these two men on my street please. He hung up as everyone looked at Phila.
Phila: he has my daughter, i had to know what kind of a man he was and if this was not a trap!

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