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I was in the high position as I watched everyone position themselves. I had the tranquillising guns and when they took they positions I sat there waiting for it to be two o'clock so they can clock in and when they were settled one by one I took them out. Than scanned the park for more people.

I was in the building and had the traps in the elevator so that back up could be stuck there when done I gave Ntokozo the signal.

I had the shooting drone up and was scanning the building to see if there were any hidden snipers or teams

Killer T
I was one of the few people that were with the general as his right hand team from special units. The general never knew of my friendship with Nqubekho and it was better that way.

I was in charge of the explosive just in case things don't go as planned.

I was standing with Nqubekho a few feet away as my back up. Everyone was on the intercoms.
Ntokozo: They here
Me: Let the games begin
Nqubekho opened the door and the general wife was sleeping there. The elevator doors opened and there he jumped off walking as if he owns the world as if his untouchable
" i have a marker on him boss" Zola whispered in our ears.
He saw his wife and stopped looking at us.
General: What you did to her?
Me: Nothing she having a nap.

I tapped my watch letting the team to be on alert.

I blocked any signals that he might want to send out so his signal was pinging on my system.

Detective Sithole
" has he sent a signal yet"
Policeman: No
Me: Why? He should be up now.... something not right. Check in with the snipers and see if they hear anything

" they checking in guys, am sending the recording to the walkies"
Xola: Damn we good

" we brought you here cause I need a favour from you"
General: What that maybe?
Nqubekho: Authorisation on some papers.
General: which say what?
Nqubekho: That as a general of special crimes and unit 47.You the one that authorised for me to put Mr Mazibuko and his friends under the protection order and that all my hits were of the information that we received from that and they faked they deaths for building a strong cover. And that Nkosazana was taken as she was the only analyst that could help us crack cases that we couldn't crack before. He looked at me as if am crazy.
General: I don't have the power to do that
Me: We both know that you do. All we need is your signature on these papers. You get your wife, we get our life back.
General: and if I say no?
Phila: You do not want to know what will happen if you say no.
General: But I can't...
I took out a pen and paper than walked over to him.
Me: All you have to do is sign here!!!
General: You doing all this just for a lousy fuck?
I dont know what got yo me but I punched him until i felt my father in law pick me up. And I moved to calm myself. He gave the general a pen for him to sign and he did on every single paper and Gave it to me scanning it to Ntokozo.

I got the papers and I drafted the email that was going to the live news set.

New station
My email went through just as I was going to go on set for the 1 pm news. I read the email speaking of the CIA conspiracy and how innocent people had to fake they deaths so they not targeted and how Nkosazana daughter was kidnapped at a few months and only brought home a few days ago once they have captured the person. All the supporting documents were there. I sat there verifying everything and the email gave me Judge Cele number to confirm since he is the judge that set this court motion. I called him and he answered all my questions even agreed to go on air now. So I took the story to the people.

I sent the live link to Phila so he can see that the lie has passed with the world and that we free.

I got the link and looked at him.
" you know what the best punishment that you can a person?"
General: What?
Me: giving him the gun to shoot himself.
General: Am lost!!!
I turned the phone and showed him what on the news now.
Me: You see you came here looking for a fight. I was ready to give you one but than my son in law reminded me that killing you aint going to do me any good but keeping you alive as this news break will kill you. I took your wife because I need here to draw you here so you can sign those papers. And now am going to go. I have my life back now here in SA and in America. But you on the other.... you on the other hand have to explain to your superiors everything.

" did you just announced that CIA is working on South African soil"

I saw the panic in his eyes and I knew he has to answer to the president of the country and the security of defence and this might get him stripped of all his medals.
Me: ill be sending my resignation soon
Phila walked closer to me and we sneaked out of the building leaving him defeated.
Me: you really going to make him leave just like that without a fight?
Phila: yep
Me: i dont get it, he knew about your child and made you suffer for almost 20 years.
Phila: if it was up to me i would have killed him. We would be going to war right now and they would be bullets flying everywhere
Me: so why are we not doing that?
He stopped looked at me.
Phila: I can't
Me: am lost
Phila: its because of Imolathile
Me: what about her?
Phila: of i came here for war that would mean that i would have killed the general and anyone who posed a threat.
Me: so?
Phila: Than ill have to spend the rest of our lives running. My wife gave up her world and  trusted me. She flew a thousand miles just to be with me, had her parents thinking that she was dead for months, put her work on jeopardy because of me and not once have she ever complained or questioned my judgement. So am doing this for her and my daughter. I know that I might not have liked you in the beginning but i know you are a part of her like she is a part of me and ill like to be here for every milestone till death do us apart.
Me: You kept your cool because of her?
Phila: No I kept my cool because of my family. Am giving them they life back and this was the only way I could.
I looked at Phila and I found new respect for him, always thinking for her family.
Me: I promise I wont let her down
Phila: I know that
I looked at him shocked
Phila: am a driving distance away, ill whoop your ass if you do...
We both laughed as we walked to the car that Ntokozo was in.
Phila: We going home guys

Kille T
After sometime Sithole gave up on waiting and we walked in the building and found the general holding his wife crying. I walked closer to her and saw that she was a lifeless and I was confused. I sent a text to Nqubekho

I read it and looked at Phila and he smiled.
Phila: I said they would be no war but I didn't say that he wont feel the same pain I felt when they took away my loved one.
Thank God am not on his bad side

The end.... yebo I said the end!!!!

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