The Kingdoms, Tribes, and Elements of Altaria

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The Sunstrike Kingdom is the largest in Altaria and is located at the center of Altaria the domain encompasses the Great Tree, This is where the Coronation ceremonies happen when apprentices are apprenticed to their mentors and where they earn their mark of their tribe and where apprentices are made  A Warrior, A Guardian, A Hunter or A Healer depending what they chose when they were apprenticed as. The Sunstrike Kingdom Is one of the most powerful kingdoms in Altaria, and the Primary Cities of the kingdom is The Capital City of Salo where the members of the Crimson Ash and Crimson Guard primarily lives but is a cultural melting pot due to members from other tribes and members of other kingdoms outside the kingdom moving to the Capital, The City of Druids Hollow (Storm), The City of MoonHaven (EmberLight), The City of Seitah (Sandstorm), The City of Blackthorn (Shadow), The City of Lesdryn (Nightwatch), The City of  Easthaven (Twilight Peak), The City of  Sylvan (Kainai), The City of Eywa (Akala), The City of Arguay (River), The City of Silverfell (Sapphire), The City of  Avala (Avalanch), The City of Cerro (StormWatch), and The City of Dorhaven (Boulder Peak) but after The Noven Empire attacked after becoming corrupted with the Evil and Darkness from the Spirit of the Dark most of the kingdom was razed to the ground and The Empire enslaved most of the realm for their service to the empire, and many where killed if they resisted against the empire and many tribes where decimated but no one suffered more than the Crimson Ash Tribe due to their affinity with the Great Tree they Protected. This is also where a rebellion took hold against the empire. The Kingdom of Iceveil borders the Sunstrike Kingdom to the Southwest, The Orient Sea to the South, The Kingdom of Aselia to the North, The Kingdom of Woodhaven to the West, The Kingdom of Ashadore to the Northwest, and The Kingdoms of Endora and Sevaeth to the Northeast and East of the Kingdom before they fell to the Empire.

The Tribes of Sunstrike: The Crimson Ash Tribe 

The Shadow Tribe 

The EmberLight Tribe 

The River Tribe

The Avalanch Tribe

The Nightwatch Tribe

The Kainai Tribe

The Twilight Peak Tribe

The Boulder Peak Tribe

The Storm Tribe

The Stormwatch Tribe

The Akala Tribe 

The Sandstorm Tribe

The Sapphire Tribe

The Noven Empire is a large empire located in the far east of Altaria in the Dovista Mountains. They were a prosperous empire that got along with the seven great kingdoms, but one day the emperor attacked the vault where the Spirt of the Dark was locked away due to his greed for power growing too much. When he freed the evil spirit, it corrupted him as he unleashed a curse that corrupted the whole realm and the emperor's family. After he gained the power of the Spirit of the Dark he went on a war of conquest across the other seven kingdoms, which started with the Kingdom of Seveaeth and the Kingdom of Endora, where he decimated the kingdoms into ruin, then he set his sights on Sunstrike the largest realm in Altaria. It was hard to conquer Sunstrike due to how mountainous the kingdom was. The stiff resistance the Guardians and Warriors put up was a valiant attempt to buy time for the kingdom's survival, but eventually, he decimated the kingdom and enslaved many who lived in Sunstrike for service to the empire and to harness the power they used.

The Tribes of the Empire: The Noctis Tribe

The Soulfire Tribe

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