Chapter 3-Terror

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6 Hours After the Twilight Massacre- After learning of the Deaths of the Twilight Guards, and Marick dying in the streets of Twilight City, many feared what would happen to them since Ciarán the Dark Spirit had escaped his tomb with Mavu's help, which had betrayed his Kingdom by releasing him.

Master Vulcan formed a party of what remained of the Temple Guards who were at the barracks and a handful of citizens to check out and survey the carnage that Mavu and his warriors had caused at the Temple where the Vault was. They made the small trek out to the Temple, and when they crested over the ridgeline that overlooked down into a canyon towards the Temple. The scene below made everyone stop in their paw steps, and their blood went cold as they looked at the carnage below, where the ground ran red with the blood of the slain Guards and Mavu's rouge Warriors.

While walking down the canyon walls, The Guards and Vulcan tried to not slip on the blood that made the stones treacherous. As they stepped over the bodies of the slain, a Guard named Sayaka said mournfully, "These poor bastards didn't even stand a chance." She gazed around at the fallen and her eyes caught sight of a familiar mass of white fur which caused her heart to shatter. She heard another Guard say, "At least they took down as many as they could with them," while he circled one of Mavu's slain warriors, which had been ensnared in thorn-like vines. 

 Her eyes filled with sorrow as she approached a female wolf who had her throat slit in the battle as blood had stained her chest red with her blood. She looked down at her and tearfully said, "Seato, my sister. I should have been here by your side with you."

Vulcan made his way over to the entrance of the now destroyed tomb to where Vesta and Tana now lay dead as Vesta's element burned brightly in a ring of scarlet flames protecting its fallen master and her apprentice. Vulcan said in Natalan to the ring of fire, "Ná bíodh eagla ort lasair bheag níl aon bhagairt orm. An aithníonn tú mé?" the flame flickered as if thinking, then said to Vulcan in Natalan, "Is féidir liom, Máistir Vulcan. Tá sé chomh fada ó bhí muid ag comhrá lena chéile go deireanach." (Translation from Irish: #1) Don't be afraid little flame, I'm no threat. Do you recognize me?, #2) I can, Master Vulcan. It's been so long since we last talked with each other.) 

The flame flickered sadly as it uncoiled from its protective ring to let Vulcan through and said to him, "Thug Vesta, Tana, agus mise go leír é chun troid agus cur i gcoinne an Impire chun an tuama seo a chosaint, ach bhí sé i bhfad ro-dhom agus mhothaigh mé rud ar bith ach dorchadas uaidh. Tá sé tar éis titim chomh fada on meid a bhí ann nuair nach raibh ann ach printíseach. Is mian liom go mbeadh níos mo ama agam le bheith ina sierbhís di." (Translation from Irish: Vesta, Tana, and I gave it all to fight and resist the Emperor to protect this tomb, but it was too much for me and I felt nothing but darkness from him. He has fallen so far from where he was just an apprentice. I wished I had more time to serve her.)

Vulcan was filled with grief and sorrow as he walked up to his dead daughter and put his head on her now cold body, and said as tears dripped from his face, "Valya, rinne tú sierbhís mhaith di, agus rinne tú gach is féidir leat chun í a chosaint. Bheadh sí bródúil as an meid a rinne tú féin  agus sí chun tuama a chosaint. Ba é seo a dualgas agus a cuspóir." (Translation from Irish: Valya, you did her a good service, and you did everything you could do to protect her. She would be proud of what you and she did to protect the tomb. This was her duty and purpose.)

Vulcan held up his tail to Valya and said, "Tar liom, Valya. Cosnoidh mé thú go dtí go mbeidh Aegeus réidh le dul i mbun printíseachta," as she climbed up his tail to where she perched on his shoulder and said, "Tá a fhios agam go mbeidh tú, mo bhréag." (Translation from Irish: #1) Come with me, Valya. I will protect you till Aegeus is ready to be apprenticed, #2)I know you will, my liege.)

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