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Deep within the Royal palace in Khora, the capital city of the Noven Empire, a young prince named Mavu listened intently to an old royal mage named Alatar as he told him a story of the ancient past of Altaria as day turned to night.

Alatar said as he looked at the setting sun, "Long ago, in ancient times before civilization arose in Altaria, there was a massive war between the Spiritual Deities that created the very lands of Altaria called the War of the Spirits when The Spirits of the Light fought The Spirt of the Dark and his forces of evil when he became corrupt with a greed for power. He created an evil curse that he wanted to use to kill the other deities. It corrupted Him in the process, which was his ultimate downfall since The Spirits of the Light managed to get the upper hand in the war due to the elements they each possessed. They were the elements of Fire, Water, Earth, Air, Ice, Lightning, Shadow, Life, Nature, and Poison, which they used to kill the Spirit of the Dark and lock away his Soul in an unfindable location deep within the Dovista mountains where no one would be able to find him but that didn't last long since over a thousand years ago our young and growing empire discovered the tomb. So we took up the mantle to protect the site by forming the Twilight Guard. To this day, they still protect it. After the war, they came together and created the Great Tree to become a portal between the mortal world and the afterlife by sacrificing their mortal bodies, and the first species emerged from that sacrifice. We Wolves became the dominant sentient species and protectors in Altaria. Over the Centuries after the war, the eight Great Kingdoms and four minor Kingdoms we know today arose, The kingdoms that will form the Noven Empire, The Sunstrike Kingdom, The Kingdom of Iceveil, The Kingdom of Ashadore, The Kingdom of Endora, The Kingdom of Woodhaven, The Kingdom of Aselia, The Kingdom of Sevaeth, The Kingdom of Fae, The Kingdom of Ga'hoole, The Kingdom of Stroya, and The Kingdom of Asniydor. We all lived in relative harmony for countless millennia, only dealing with minor border skirmishes amongst the growing smaller kingdoms and dealing with the forces of evil that prowled Altaria. To combat these evil forces, every kingdom has four classes to deal with the evil: A Warrior, A Guardian, A Healer, or A Hunter. To become one, you must be 15 or 16 to be apprenticed to a mentor. At this stage, you learn what element or elements you can wield. Also, in some cases, one can wield all ten, but it is rare for someone to be able to control all ten. You will also gain the mark of the tribe or royal family you belong to." He then looked down at Mavu, whose violet eyes were filled with wonder at the story Alatar had just told.

Mavu replied, "Wow, I can't wait till I'm of age to become an apprentice," as he puffed out his chest to make himself look bigger than he was. He then turned and looked out the dying embers of the sunlight, which caught Mavu's eyes as they shone with happiness.

Alatar told the young wolf, "You have many years ahead of you, young Mavu. Until you're old enough to become an apprentice, also I can predict what element you can wield." As he chuckled.

Mavu said, "Really, you can predict my element," as he looked questioningly at Alatar.

Alatar replied by saying, " Yes, I can. You will most likely be able to wield the Fire or Shadow element, or you might wield both since those are the dominant elements in your family. The elements can be wielded with great power on the battlefield, but they can also be used for good in the right paws."

Mavu said happily, "I can't wait," The young wolf looked at the sprawling kingdom around him as it bustled with life under the rising moon glow as the city was bathed in a beautiful blue light.

9 Years Later

When Mavu was of age to be apprenticed, he had grown into a fine and handsome prince as he had grown. He took after his father, Emperor Aleius, with a well-defined build and muscles under his sleek white and amber fur. Mavu also had his mother's intelligence and cool and calm demeanor, which made Empress Morgana a warrior to be feared in battle. He had made the trip to the Great Tree with the rest of the to-be apprentices from around the empire to the Kingdom of Sunstrike, where the Great Tree was located. When they made it to Salo, The capital city of The Sunstrike Kingdom, the mighty capital was bustling with life as citizens from all over Altaria's 12 realms converged and mingled together

A Heart Of A Warrior Book 1: RevolutionWhere stories live. Discover now