Chapter 4-A Call to Arms

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Across Altaria, militaries were mobilizing across the Kingdoms as war loomed like a heavy shadow over Altaria and her Kingdoms. The Holy Capital of Salo and Great Tree was like a beating heart of activity as armies converged in the Holy city under a wide array of war banners from all over the twelve Kingdoms with their Arnorian allies from Afira had answered the call to war even some of the outcast warlord-like clans took up their banners to protect Altaria. 

Inside the Royal Palace, The High King sat with the other Kings and Queens of Altaria with the Empire being represented by Aleuis and the leaders of the rebellion that had taken hold in the Empire around a map of Altaria in a council of war. King Ragnar said, grimly looking at the map as it lit up with a golden light, "We need to find out where the Empire might attack." 

Queen Twila, the Queen of Ga'Hala, said looking at the map as she scanned it, "There are only eight navigable passes for an army to march through out of the Empire," the mountain passes then began to light up on the map as she continued, "There are crossings here at Hythe Pass, Black Hollow, Darshir, Sal Surlyr, Thetdale Gorge, Crossrock Hollow, Tregaron, and Terrendeen Pass."

King Edon said, "That puts Sevaeth, Endora, and Aselia as the most at-risk Kingdoms because if any of us falls, this will open the gates for the Empire to flood onto the plains and head right for the Great Tree. The Kingdom of Fae's Crossing at Sal Surlyr is the most heavily guarded mountain pass. It would be suicide for any forces to want to go through that pass."

Princess Samara of the Kingdom of Fae said, "That is true. Sal Surlyr is the most fortified crossing over the Dovista mountains. Also, Tregaron is too far north for any army to march across without being spotted by the Warriors of Aselia's eastern frontier. So that limits it down to six crossings."

Aleuis then said, looking at the crossings near Sevaeth and Endora, "I would also eliminate the crossings at Terrendeen Pass, Crossrock Hollow, and Darshir. If it were me, I would not want to subjugate my army to those harsh conditions of those crossings." Then he went silent as a look of shock was etched on his face then looked up at the High King with fear in his eyes.

King Ragnar noticed this and said, "What is it Aleuis, Old friend." Aleuis then said shakily as he pointed his paw at a spot on the map, "I would cross here."

Then all of a sudden, someone said, "Shit, that's Black Hollow! That is the least guarded crossing in all of Altaria since many Chareneil refugees fled their Kingdom into Sevaeth after it was annexed by the Empire, Father. It was the least guarded because no one wanted to escalate tensions even more than it was. Grandpa told me this Story when I was just a young pup as his Grandfather married into the Chareneil royal family cementing the annexation into the Midnight Empire. There is only a small garrison located here, then on the other side is the garrison at Twilight City."

All eyes in the room fell upon King Tyr and his mate Queen Astrid as he continued, " Unfortunately, the garrison in Twilight City was wiped out only leaving Black Hollow as the last garrison in that area for miles." King Tyr then looked up at Aylmer and Vulcan as a look of horror and realization were etched on their faces.

Aylmer then said looking at Vulcan, "Fuck, We need to evacuate the city. I have to uphold my oath to protect my granddaughter and the Rebellion." Vulcan said grimly, " Then let's move we might make it before the Empire comes back to the City," he then turned to King Ragnar and said, "Please excuse us, but we need to get back to Twilight City," Ragnar replied, "Go my friends and be safe," as the two turned and bolted from the room.

Ragnar then said, "It's time to head to the rally point at the Great Tree. Let's Move."

At the Great Tree, The Kings and Queens looked over their armies as they filed into the Sacred Hollow of Avos. From where Ragnar sat high up on a thick branch of the Great Tree, Jarin paced next to him nervously as his reddish brown and white fur was bushed out to the sharp autumn wind as Ragnar said in Suntarian, "Hawdd, fy mab. Gyda'r Glymblaid hon mae gennym obaith i ennill y rhyfel hwn sydd i ddod neu o leiaf os na aiff pethau fel y bwraidwyd, gallwn gael ymwrthedd cydlynol ymhilth y Deyrnas sy'n cwympo." (Translation from Welsh: Easy, my son. With the coalition, we have hope of winning this coming war, or at least if things don't go as planned, we can have a coordinated resistance with the Kingdoms that do fall.) 

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