"Would you like fries with that?"

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I was going on my way to serve table #3 when I  noticed the familiar faces. Hurt that they hadn't invited me, I continued to plaster on a fake smile. Because if there was one thing I was good at, it was faking a smile throughout the pain.

"No, we aren't inviting Marinette, for the last time! Just like we didn't invite her to the mall, food court, Kim getting his ears pierced, the park, your birthday party, the school-wide barbecue, the class picnic, the Kitty Section concert, the tour of the Eiffel Tower, or our sleepover! Now, figure out what you want to order while we wait for Lila, the poor girl is probably being held up in traffic right now!" Alya finished her rant, staring expectantly at Rose, who squeaked and continued to skim the menu.

"Have you decided on what you want to drink?" I asked, setting the breadsticks down.

Everyone jumped, before gaping at me. There was a long silence as I waited for them to answer.

"Waters it is! I'll be back in a jiffy." And I rushed off. So, me being Ladybug and stressed out all the time wasn't why I wasn't hanging out with the others as much. They were deliberately and intentionally excluding me from their hang-outs. I sighed, before focusing on filling up the waters as I didn't feel the need to ask anyone to do it for me, not wanting to burden anyone with doing something I can do myself.

"Here we are." I said, setting them all down, without tripping and falling. That seemed to be what surprised them most. 

"Have you decided on what you want to eat?" I asked, ready to jot it down because there was no way I would remember it all.

Just as Nino opened his mouth, Lila rushed in and pushed past me.

"You'll never believe it! Marinette attacked me! Just seconds ago! One second I'm about to walk in and the next she lunges at me! You don't think she's stalking us, do you? Or else how else would she know we were here!? I hurt my arm pretty badly, I might have to where it in a sling, from now on!" Lila draped herself dramatically across the table, knocking all their waters off in the process. Everybody was quiet, and I assume that they were just now figuring out that she was lying to them.

I cleared my throat and smiled sweetly, "Would you like fries with that?"

Lila's face when she realized that I had been in their line of sight for the last 5 minutes was priceless.

Lila/Alya Salt One-ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now