Aching Cavern Without Lucidity-Act 3.5

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~Leafy POV~

My blood runs cold, the hallways of the hotel make me want to vomit. Rooms are decorated for my friends by Her. Its like she's never met them before. 13 nameplates. One for each of my friends, including her. Why her?

Only to hurt me more I guess. I'm not even sure why she invited my friends here. Is it to torment me? Its likely. Or... Or worse. I walk up to the front desk. Broken window. The front desk itself is made of a deep brown wood, with marble engravings etched in. They are barely legible.


May Those Who- Ineligible -Prosper With Great Fortune. I'll never know what this originally said. But that's useless. There's no telling when my friends will arrive. I exit the building and wander to the front gate. Its been replaced with barbed wire and an electric fence. There's no exit, not even a locked gate.

In truth, I have no idea why she invited these people. I lean up against the walls, prodding myself with wires. It hurts, stabbing pain. Not what I don't deserve though. If somebody is listening... Which I sure hope that they aren't, like... Somebody reading my mind from miles away and writing down my every thought? That's very dystopian. Weird. Never mind.

The experiments? I... I remember... 8. 8 Subjects. 3 are clear in my memory, the 4th is kinda fuzzy. The other 4 are unknown, at least... I hope they never existed. I wince, remembering the long hallway me and her walked down.

~Leafy's Flashback~

Her and I are unlocking a door. Several measures are kept in place so her lab partner doesn't know about this. One of them is the long uneasy hallway to this place. Murder hallway is an exaggeration, but it definitely put me on edge. I would be reviewing the first subject. I asked her who it was, and She said that this was going to be interesting, and that she wasn't going to tell me. I guess a surprise isn't a surprise if you tell them.

"Alright, now we're in the main hall." She flaunts this place as if it doesn't look like a prison cafeteria. I nervously nod, and we walk into a long expansive hallway lined with cells. The numbers go up to 16. Is that how many people she plans to take? This is wrong, but I can't bring myself to say anything.

"Now she's just up ahead, I hope she's happy that she's the first to join us." She's being very vague, it's almost creepy. But we continue. If the lights were off this would be painfully ominous. We finally arrive to see the poor girl cowering in the corner. Oh... Oh no. The gravity of the situation hits me.

"Book? I've got to get you out of there!" I say, rattling the bars. She looks at me like I'm a deranged lunatic. She's probably not far off.

"Book? Don't call it that. It's Subject 1."

-500 words, thanks so much for 850 reads! As a bonus, the next chapter will have 3 artworks! It might take an extra day or two to release, but it's all worth it for you guys!-

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