I Go Down with Another Ship

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All rights belong to Rick Riordan

Chapter 7

I Go Down with Another Ship


Thanks to my new natural sense over time, I woke up at exactly 7.30am. Swiftly carrying out my ablutions I got dressed in a fresh Camp Half-Blood t-shirt and cargo shorts. Even up here at altitude it was still frankly too hot to be wearing jeans in the Greek summer heat. Before grabbing my weapons and shield and heading to the mess hall to get some breakfast.

When I arrived, the others were already there and seemed to be in discussion with Nico and Annabeth about me, judging by the raised voices. As a result, I decided to hang back outside the doorway and find out what the others were thinking. Hedge was sitting on the furthest table with his neck in a brace, wisely deciding to keep his mouth out of this conversation.

"I don't care what you say Nico, Percy has changed now. He used to be cool to hang around with, now he swings mood so fast. I'm surprised he doesn't have whiplash." Frank said to the son of Hades.

"Percy has been through a lot and just needs time to get through this, I spoke to him last night he has a lot on his mind at the moment. Unlike Jason here who had several months to get over his amnesia, Percy has had less than two weeks to do the same. What with the escape from Tartarus to the battle today, he hasn't exactly has had time to himself lately." Nico defended.

"Well, we were all in the battle yesterday and you don't see us going nuts and trying to kill someone." Piper stated waving her arms around.

"No what you arrived at was a mopping up operation, we fought the battle. You helped us kill the survivors a few hundred weaker monsters left out of three thousand who were fleeing from us as we killed them to make sure YOU arrived safely. We had to fight past two titans and Kampé all which Percy killed. The curse of Achilles does have drawbacks you know, it makes us tired and get stressed faster and if there is one thing about Percy, he is definitely stressed." Annabeth said defending me.

"Well, we have all done quests and fought battles as well, besides I beat Krios but you don't see me having his issues" Jason argued and almost making me go in and hit the son of Jupiter but that would have made the problem worse.

"Yeah, but you had half the legion helping you at the time" Hazel muttered so he couldn't hear from the far end of the table from him but closest to me.

"Percy has fought the four most powerful Titans Atlas, Kronos and Iapetus, and beaten Hyperion twice. As well as that feat he soloed Polybotes, who was specifically made to kill his father. Oh, and not to mention he beat Ares and my father and his army. That is the literal gods of War and Death. You needed help to kill Enceladus and Hera drove away Porphyrion when he was newly resurrected and therefore weaker. You both together killed Otis and Ephialtes." Nico shouted back angrily at the son of Jupiter who was suddenly speechless at the verbal demolition of his accomplishments by the son of Hades. Jason looked ready to respond after a few seconds but when he went to open his mouth. Nico simply carried on.

"He has spent his spent the last four years worrying about one prophecy after another, including two great ones. I am not a psychologist, but I would say then he is doing remarkably well if all he had was a little stress." Nico concluded as Jason who had been forced to keep quiet and the others digested what he had said. Many of them had been a demigod for less than a year or so and were new to the whole experience. The only one present who had more experience was Annabeth who sat smiling at my younger cousin.

"So, I have been in the legion my whole life." Jason finally retorted pathetically to which I had enough and stomped in angrily.

"Yeah, your right and for how many of those years have your father and Hera been holding your hands, patting you on the back for all your good work. Whilst everyone else in the Legion had to struggle to even be noticed by their parents. Who were forced to stay away from them because of the ancient laws. Which your father places on everyone else, yet regularly breaks whenever he feels like. How would you like it, if as soon as you were told you were a demigod you were immediately threatened by Zeus. Just because he thinks you took his favourite toy; how would the great Jason have reacted to be offered godhood for saving the gods asses?" I snapped at him already knowing the answer.

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