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All rights belong to Rick Riordan

Chapter 34



"One of you, stop just standing there and go get my brother!" I screamed at the small cluster of minor gods. They were all seemingly frozen in shock at the scene that had just occurred in front of them. Finally, my youngest brother nodded and flashed away.

Now that help was on the way, I turned my attention back to the wounded guardian whose side I held tightly to the flow of crimson fluid that was still slowly seeping through my fingers despite my efforts. After the initial shock and pain from the injury, he had suddenly gone silent and limp. The arrows secondary characteristics had taken effect on him and rapidly caused him to drop into unconsciousness.

Not that I would have said so at the time but, I was lucky when I had been hit with the arrow before it had only been a glancing blow; it had scratched my face quite deeply but that was it. Whereas Percy had been hit directly and then managed to snap the shaft off during his collapse and pained thrashing about on the ground. Thrusting my fingers into the open wound I had removed the snapped arrowhead immediately; however, it had been too late.

"Milady what do you want us to do?" Thalia asked breaking out of her shock.

"Find her!" I ordered angrily, certain of the fact that one of my own hunters had done this. I heard the sound of hurried movement and noticed flashes of light as the remaining gods went to look for the offender.

I tried to focus my own energy on the wound in an effort to try and help him but found myself unable to do anything about it. His unique nature seemingly rejected my own attempts to heal him, that or as an effect of that accursed arrow. It was a cruel irony to think of all the things he had survived in his short life, to think that it was attack by a supposed ally with his own weaponry that could possibly kill him.

As I slowly lost strength trying repeatedly to heal him, I kept my eyes focused on his slowly paling face and I grew more worried and anxious. What was keeping my fool of a twin? He was constantly around when I didn't want him near me. But now that he was actually required, he was nowhere to be seen.

All I could think of as I watched the man, I secretly loved die in my arms was regret. For having squandered my chance to finally feel loved. For having gotten cold feet and treated him so distantly for the last few weeks, despite the happiness I initially felt when he was around.


When I had fired the arrow, I had felt a great sense of happiness and pride as I considered the fact of what I had done. How dare he lay a hand on the goddess. I always knew he would betray our trust eventually.

However, I had not expected the goddess to suddenly snap out of her collapsed state and suddenly begin trying to help him even as he screamed and collapsed in pain. It was only then did I notice all of the others figure that had been behind them looking on in shock.

After all, if they had witnessed what he was doing, why had they not attempted to stop him? Surely, they all knew that the goddess would not allow a man to lay his lips on hers.

Slowly however revelation began to dawn on me as I slowly began to realize I may have acted rashly. I began to back up slowly behind the nearest cabin aiming to get away unseen and hope I could pretend it was not me. Perhaps they would think it was a surviving monster and go after that.

However, that hope soon shattered when I saw the silver wearing spectators suddenly start running in my direction with their weapons drawn. Swords of silver and gold in I made out the looks of anguish on Thalia and Reyna's face. At this moment I knew I had made a mistake but what could I do about it now?

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 23, 2022 ⏰

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