Birthday special

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"So let me break it down for you. Awhile ago, I got promoted to CEO at my job. Then J.R. tells me that someone stole a file containing a list of every conspiracy they have ever committed. J.R. told me to find the mole in 10 hours or everyone will be sent to Shadow Prison X, a black site prison and the worst one in the in the world, putting pressure on me to complete the task. For the next several hours, my team was at each other's throats and I'm not sure how it happened, but Y/N ended up getting shot in both his knees. Turns out Bear-O was the mole. Bear-O revealed that in monitoring me, he saw that my work was damaging my emotional state, and stole the file to destroy Cognito in a bid to make me happy. I will admit, I was a little bit flattered. When the file was accidentally destroyed, Bear-O decided to target the people who are "hurting" me, starting with her friends. Since I was unable to remember the password, my dad and I, actually went into my mind. While searching, I kept discovering glitches in my memories involving a male kid she met during her childhood. Turns out, he was actually my first real friend. My dad erased memories of my childhood friend Orrin so he wouldn't hold me back academically, as part of an insurance plot to get back into Cognito. Which is a load of shhh....owbiz! The team found Alpha-Beta and somehow convinced him to fight Bear-O. The two bots fought each other, stalling Bear-O long enough for Brett to tell me the password: Orrin. I deactivated Bear-O and confronted dad for tampering with my mind, kicking him out of both my home and Cognito. The a few weeks after you were born, I was contacted by the Shadow Board, who said that that due to the chaos that happened under my watch, I would not be serving as head of Cognito. Since J.R. was being sent to Shadow Prison X for various crimes against the Shadow Board, leadership is going to the majority shareholder, my dad. But the point being, with everything going on, I just want this day to go good." Reagan said as she was finishing frosting the cake and looked over at the person she was talking to. Her and Y/N's baby boy. Hirsch Alexander Ridley. The infant was sitting in his high chair, sucking on his pacifier, and playing with an orange.

Hirsch looked like a perfect mix of his mom and dad. He had his moms hair and eye color, and he had his dads nose and skin tone. He was in a blue onesie.

Regan smiled and rubbed his head gently and lightly kissed his forehead. Regan went back to frosting the cake. Today was Y/N's birthday. With everything going on at work, Regan thought it would be best if they just spent Halloween together, just the three of them.

"Don't worry little guy. Daddy's gonna be home before you know it. Just gotta finish the presents, the cake, and the "special present." You'll probably be wearing ear muffs tonight." Regan said to Hirsch. The infant cooed softly and reached up to his mother. Regan looked down at her baby and rolled her eyes and smiled.

"Fine." She said with a smile as she picked up Hirsch. She held him in one arm and she iced the cake with the other. The infant baby boy placed his hand on his mother's head. Regan couldn't help but smile. She still couldn't believe it. She was a mom. Her, a mom. It was like saying Dracula adopted a child. It's something you wouldn't expect.

Regan wanted to be a great mom to her son. She wanted to avoid the same mistakes her parents made. Which was why she wasn't allowing visitations. She kissed the infant on the cheek as Y/N arrived home.

"Shhhhot! Your dads home early!" Regan panicked. She wasn't expecting Y/N home so soon. She had sent him to a pharmacy to get a couple random things like soap, shampoo, cough drops, tomato sauce, honey, a dvd movie, baby lotion, milk, baby formula, apple sauce, baby powder, coffee, and baby wipes. Just enough stuff to keep Y/N occupied at the store.

Reagan ran into the living room and walked in front Y/N.

"Hey honey? What are you doing home so soon?" Reagan asked as though she had something to hide. Y/N noticed but didn't say anything about it.

"Well I got all the stuff we needed, plus I faked a heart attack to get through the line faster." Y/N said to Reagan with a smile. He sat the groceries down and kissed Regan on the lips and kissed Hirsch on the forehead. Regan needed to think of something to distract Y/N for a few minutes.

"Hey babe? Why don't you stay in here with the baby? I gotta finish something in the kitchen." Regan said as she kissed Y/N on the cheek gently.

"Sure thing." Y/N said with as smile as he held into Hirsch.

"Thanks." Reagan said as she went back to the kitchen. Y/N took his son to the couch and sat him down on his lap.

"Alrighty little guy, since today is my birthday, we're gonna watch one of my favorite movies. Unfortunately your too young to watch anything anime. So we'll watch my second favorite movie, Chicken Run." Y/N said as he started up the movie.

In the movie, a flock of chickens live on an egg farm set up like a prisoner-of-war camp. The farm is run by the cruel Mrs. Tweedy and her oafish husband Mr. Tweedy, who kill and eat any chicken that is no longer able to lay eggs. The chickens try to escape frequently, but are always caught. Frustrated at the minuscule and declining profits that the farm generates, Mrs. Tweedy spots a magazine advertisement and gets an idea of converting the farm to automated production and having a machine turn the chickens into meat pies. Mr. Tweedy suspects the chickens' sapience and wonders if they are plotting, but Mrs. Tweedy dismisses his theories. One day, the chickens' leader, Ginger, witnesses an American rooster named Rocky Rhodes crash-land in the farm's coop; the chickens put his damaged wing in a cast and hide him from the Tweedys, who were promised a handsome reward by Rocky's owner for his return. Interested in Rocky's apparent flying abilities, Ginger begs him to help teach her and the chickens to fly.

"This was one of my favorite movies growing up. and one of my mom's favorite movies that doesn't involve someone getting torn in two or getting their heart ripped out and shoved it down their throat." Y/N said as Hirsch was watching the movie.

"Also while I'm talking and since you'll never remember this, Covid-19 was made in a lab as a way to keep people in line but it just got out of hand. Dragons, unicorns, dinosaurs, demons, and aliens are real. We are playthings for a higher being." Y/N said to the baby.

"Happy birthday Y/N!" Regan said as she walked into the living room holding a cake. Y/N looked at his wife and smiled as she brought in the cake. Hirsch saw the why did candles on the cake and try to reach out to get them. Y/N chuckled and held the baby's hand.

"No no. That's too hot. You'll burn your tiny little chubby hands." Y/N cooed softly at Hirsch. Regan sat down and sat the cake down on the table. She also got out the pizza for dinner.

"Wow Regan! This looks good! Thank you." Y/N said and kissed her lips gently.

"Thanks. But don't thank me yet. You still need to get your birthday present from me~." Regan said as she smirked a little bit. Y/N blushed as she said that. He didn't need to listen twice to know what she was talking about.

They ate dinner, and opened presents. Y/N got a new watch, a book, a winter coat, a graphic novel, a thirty five dollar gift card to Starbucks, a dvd of Walt Disney Treasures: Mickey Mouse in Living Color, and Walt Disney Treasures: The Complete Goofy, and framed picture of a tired Regan holding a newborn Hirsch.

After that, and after finishing the movie, Hirsch fell asleep. Regan went to her and Y/N's bedroom while Y/N took Hirsch to his room and tucked him into bed.

Y/N walked into the bedroom that he and Reagan shared.

"Well the little guys fast asleep. I Think you'll be out for a little bit before waking up." Y/N said as he walked into the room, and saw Regan in white lingerie.

"Good. Now come over here and get your birthday gift~." Regan said. It was clear that she had been practicing her flirting, and Y/N loved it. Soon, Y/N and Regan had a passionate night.

Should I do a full lemon sometime?

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