24. Promises

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you go to Alex's club, you just needed to talk with him. and maybe you wanted him to take your mind off of things in other ways too. "have you seen Alex?" you ask someone behind the bar. "yeah I think he went to room 14 but he's-" you don't even listen to what he's saying after, you just rush to the room, tears in your eyes. you run thru the hall looking for room 14. "miss you can't enter he's-" you don't let him finish and you open the door to the room. you stand still in the door opening, face full of shock at what you see. you see Alex with Natalie clearly in the middle of 'things'.

"y/n?!" Alex says surprised. you hear footsteps run up to you expecting it to be the security wanting to pull you away. "Nat?!" you hear a familiar voice say. you feel Chris' breath touch your cheek. "Chris I can explain" Natalie says, getting off of Alex, trying to cover her naked body with the sheets. "explain what. you promised me!" Chris yells at her. "what are you even doing here?" Natalie asks Chris, like he did something wrong. "i-i. don't change the fucking subject" Chris says, anger overshadowing the hurt in his voice. wait did he come after you. he did, he didn't know she was here, he went after you.

the thought is quickly over shadowed by the scene playing out before you. Chris is raging and barges into the room pushing Alex hard against the wall. "give me one fucking reason to not beat the shit out of you" he says. you see Alex frightened face, you know Alex is probably as strong as Chris so you fear for the fight that's likely to come. "i, I'm sorry" he says, but his eyes don't face Chris, no he faces you. "I should have listened when you told me to leave Nat, i was stupid, you were fucking right. I'm sorry y/n" he says. Chris now turns to you, letting go of Alex. the room falls silent. "we're going home" Chris says, still angry grabbing your hand. too tired to struggle you let him take you. "Chris baby i-" you hear Natalie say. "YOU FUCKING PROMISED ME!" Chris yells at her, but it isn't all anger, no you hear his voice crack under his screams. "I'm sorry" she says softly. "i don't want to see you anymore" he says before walking out with your hand tightly in his.

the drive home is silent, you can still feel his anger. that's when you realize he left Lily, he left Lily alone at home to look for you. did he think you weren't safe? "d-did you leave Lily alone?" you ask him softly. his eyes stay in the road "I thought you needed me more. I was wrong" he says coldly. shit you fucked up....again. when your home you both stand in the living room his angry face towards you. "why" he says softly but with so much hatred you know he will never forgive you. "I needed someone to talk to" you say back bitterly. "sure, and after that you needed someone to fuck you" he says in a bitter tone. "why the fuck are you mad Chris?" you ask him now getting angry to, he is the one that told you he doesn't see this as anything serious. yet he is acting like he fucking owns you. "because you went to him, AGAIN!" he yells at you.

the you realize, he's mad at you. like only at you. he doesn't mention Natalie once. she is the one sleeping with him, yet he's mad at you, for even going there? "why are you really mad, and who are you really mad at?" you ask him, now calmly. let him dig his own grave. "I'm fucking mad at you, you told me you were sorry!" he yells at you. "well from what I heard Natalie promised you no to fuck him again, yet she was. so why are you mad at me and not her?" you ask. "because I expected it from her. I thought you were different!" he yells at you angry, but as soon as the words leave his mouth, he realizes what he just said. "do you have feelings for me Chris?" you ask him now calmly. you see he's conflicted only making him angrier, because he doesn't know how to deal with the situation. "I told you-" he says in an angry tone. "what are you so afraid of!" you now yell demanding an answer. "that you are gonna fucking leave!" he yells back, and you see it now. he's scared....to lose you. you see he realizes it now to. 

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