You don't have to

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He strolled down the street to see a silhouette standing by the road.
As he approached them he could notice it was a boy. He had curly hair and petite body. Louis noticed he was young and there for sure had to be something wrong. Because... why would be a boy his age out this late?

"Hey." Louis stopped in front of him.
"H-hi." the younger one looked up.
Louis checked him up and down. Before he could say anything Harry spoke up.
"A-are you interested?" the boy stuttered.
Louis wasn't that surprised by then. He expected it and he decided to do what he had to.

"How much for a night?" he looked him in the eyes.

"20?" he whispered.

"I'll give you 300. What do you say?"

"For one night?" the boy looked at him in surprise.

"400." Louis said in the end.

"Okay." the boy walked up to him.

"Okay, let's go to mine." he wrapped his arm around the boy's waist securely.

"What's your name, pretty thing?" Louis whispered just for him to hear.

"I am Harry. How do you want me to call you?" the boy asked.

"I am Louis, darling. You can call me however you want to."

Once they arrived to Louis' place the boy watched him take his leather jacket down.
"What would you like to start with?" Harry asked once they were standing in some room.

"Do you want something to drink? Water, tea?" Louis looked at him from the kitchen.

"Water is good." the boy watched him make a glass of water and take a can of beer.

"Here." he handed it to Harry and opened the beer for himself.

"Come into living room with me." Harry finished the glass quickly, following Louis there.
Louis sat down on the couch and Harry was unsure of what to do.

"What should I do now?" Harry knew Louis paid him for pleasure, for sex... so why weren't they doing anything?

"Okay Harry, sit in my lap then." the boy complied straight away, siting right on Louis' crotch.

"What next?" he looked down into Louis' eyes.

"I thought we could talk." Louis said, taking a sip of his beer.

"Am I not what you were looking for?" the boy tensed a little.

Louis didn't know how to tell him that he just didn't want him to get hurt by anyone or get an untreatable illness.

"Just making sure you are comfortable, are you?" Harry's body relaxed a little.

"I- think I am."


The boy moved in Louis' lap, rubbing himself against him just a little.

However Louis didn't get that much aroused to get a full boner yet.
But seeing Harry grind onto him... it felt good.
Harry continued grinding onto him, feeling Louis' dick growing faster.
"Mmm." Louis murmured.
Harry liked it too as Louis could feel.
Louis closed his eyes and let his hands rest on Harry's hips.

The boy reached the fly of Louis' black jeans, tugging at the zipper.
"Harry, Harry..." the older one grabbed the boy's hand into his.
"Did I do something wrong?" he asked.

"You don't have to do this. I didn't offer you the money for this."

"What for then?" the boy asked, obviously feeling confused.

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