Worth the sin

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Harry is attending his sisters wedding. What he notices there is that the reverend is quite hot, so he decides to be a little naughty. He will start by attending his sermons...


"Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today in the sight of God to witness and celebrate the holy union of Gemma Styles and Bill Truman." the reverend was currently in the middle of the ceremony, making everyone watch and keep silent.

Harry, the bride's brother, was quite bored to be honest. He loved his sister, but he didn't really find those things like weddings entertaining. What he found quite nice though was the reverend.
He was young, somewhere around his late twenties. Harry liked the sight of him, he was like a pretty picture. What he would like to see even more was what was hidden underneath that robe of his.

"Harry! Stop tapping your leg constantly! It's annoying." said Anne, Harry's and Gemma's mother. She was nervous and so excited about her younger child's wedding.
"I just can't wait for this to end, so we can go celebrate finally." Harry shrugged.
Anne wanted to roll her eyes, but she didn't.
She knew this was Harry's nature and he wasn't going to change. He was a naughty boy, but she loved him nonetheless. He wasn't a bad person, he just had an unusual type of lifestyle.

When the ceremony ended, Anne had a chat with the reverend. Harry wanted to head out of the church as soon as possible, but when he noticed his mother was about to talk to blue eyes, he decided to linger a little longer.

"It was such a beautiful ceremony, reverend. You are more than welcome to come celebrate with us." Anne was so happy and thankful for such a beautiful moment that he helped come true.
"Thank you for your kind words, Mrs. Twist. I am thankful for your invitation, but unfortunately I have some more work to do." he gave her a sweet smile.
"No need to thank me. Alright, of course. I hope you have a wonderful day, reverend." she stepped back, saying her goodbyes.
"You are still here?" she was surprised to see Harry after she turned around.
"Yeah, I need to look after you." Harry smirked at her.
"Of course, yeah... let's go you naughty boy." Anne headed towards the door. Harry watched as the reverend walked to the back of the church, biting his lip, before following his mother out.

It was Sunday morning. Harry woke up early. He had been staying at his mother's for a while. It was summer and he was having a break at uni, so he decided to stay at his mother's house for a while.
His mother was already eating breakfast when he came downstairs.
"Morning." he greeted her, pressing a kiss to her cheek.
"You are up early! Have plans today?" she asked, seeing that Harry was just in his boxers and an unbuttoned long-sleeved white shirt.
"Yeah, actually." he made himself a cup of coffee from the machine.
"Where are you going?" Harry took milk out of the fridge together with a yogurt.
"I am going to church." he sat down, right across from his mom.
"You? Going to church? Why would you go there?" Anne was really surprised to hear that.
"Heard that reverend Tomlinson does remarkable sermons. Decided I want to see for myself if it's true." Harry shrugged, making his mother squint her eyes.
"Well, I think going to church will only do good to you, so why not. Perhaps I could go with you?" Harry got up immediately.
"No, mom. I need to head out in a few, you wouldn't be ready on time. It's better I go alone." he finished the yogurt off quickly, before taking his cup of coffee back upstairs.
He put on his trousers, buttoning his shirt up while staring at himself in the mirror. He smirked, rearranging his long hair afterwards.

"I'd say... I slay." he chuckled, finishing off the rest of his coffee, and grubbing his wallet and car keys.

The curly man ran down the stairs, saying goodbye to his mother, before running out of the door.

Harry arrived nearly late. He was among the last people to enter the church. He wanted a seat in one of the first rows so badly, but he wasn't as lucky as he thought he would be. He sat into the last row, huffing out in disappointment.

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