In the name of love

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Louis and Harry were an inseparable duo at the university. Louis, with his brilliant mind and unique perspective, saw the world through a different lens. Harry, on the other hand, was the embodiment of warmth and joy, his friendly demeanor drawing people towards him effortlessly.

Their friendship grew stronger in the university halls and library corners, where Harry's patience and understanding allowed Louis to comfortably express himself. Louis, who was autistic, found solace in Harry's company. To Louis, Harry was more than a friend. He was a confidant, a support system, and someone Louis couldn't imagine his life without.

As time passed, Louis began to experience feelings he couldn't quite understand. He found himself drawn to Harry in ways that went beyond friendship. It was often confusing and overwhelming for Louis, whose understanding of emotions often felt like deciphering a complex puzzle.

One crisp autumn afternoon, Louis sat on a bench under a canopy of golden leaves, his mind racing with thoughts he struggled to express. He had finally made up his mind. He needed to express these feelings to Harry, but he wanted to do it in a way that felt true to himself.

He picked up his notebook, the one where he me wrote down his thoughts and observations, and began to sketch. The lines and curves formed patterns that only he could decipher, a code of his emotions for Harry.

Days turned into weeks as Louis worked on his project, pouring his heart into each stroke of the pencil. Harry, unaware of Louis' internal struggle, continued to be the supportive friend he had always been, oblivious to the storm brewing within Louis' mind.

Finally, one afternoon Louis approached Harry, his notebook clutched tightly in his hands. He fidgeted nervously, his heart racing with anticipation and anxiety.

"Harry, I- I need to show you something." Louis said, his voice a combination of apprehension and determination as he joined Harry on one of the benches in their university garden.

Harry glanced up, his eyes lighting up with curiosity. "Sure, Louis. What is it?"

Louis hesitated for a moment, his fingers anxiously tracing the patterns in his notebook. He took a deep breath and handed it to Harry, his heart pounding in his chest.

Harry flipped through the pages, his brows furrowing in confusion. The pages were filled with intricate designs, loops, and lines that seemed like a maze to him.

"I don't... I don't understand, I am sorry." Harry admitted, looking up at Louis with a perplexed expression.

Louis felt disappointed, realizing that his message wasn't as clear as he had hoped. He took a deep breath, gathering his thoughts.
"I- I think I'm in love with you, Harry."

Louis' words hung in the air, creating a moment of vulnerability between the two boys. Harry blinked, trying to process the confession. It took a moment for Louis' words to sink in.

"You... you're in love with me?" Harry repeated, his voice filled with surprise and realization.

Louis nodded, his heart racing with uncertainty.
"Yes. I wanted to tell you in my own way, but maybe it wasn't clear. I'm sorry, I just... I feel things differently, and it's hard to explain."

Harry's features softened, understanding dawning on him.
"Louis, you don't have to apologize. I appreciate you told me about your feelings."

Harry needed time to fully process Louis' confession, and comprehend the depth of it.

Days turned into weeks as Harry deliberated over Louis' confession. He observed Louis more closely, noticing the nuances in his expressions and actions. The way Louis lit up when they spent time together, the subtle hints that he hadn't noticed before, all became clearer.

Finally, one evening as they sat under a starry sky, Harry turned to Louis, a warm smile plastered on his lips.

"Louis, I've been thinking a lot about what you said." the curly one admitted.

Louis looked up, a glimmer of hope showing in his eyes.
"Have you?"

"Yeah. It wasn't something I expected to hear from you, but, ehm..." Harry cleared his throat a few times, before he carried on speaking.
"I care about you a lot too, Louis." Harry admitted, not knowing how to continue.

"But you don't love me back? I am sorry if I am too straightforward, I am just trying to understand you."Louis fumbled with his hands restlessly.

"It's just... I haven't thought about us in that way until you confessed your feelings to me."

"So, you do love me?" Louis asked, his voice showing off a hint of eagerness.

Harry chuckled in amusement, turning to look at Louis.
"It's more complicated than that for me, Lou. I care about you, and I have realized I like you." Harry's cheeks tinted a faint blush.

Louis's heart skipped a beat, a wave of joy flooding through him.

Harry nodded, a shy smile playing on his lips.
"Yeah. I want to give this a chance if you do too."

"I'd really like that, I think." Louis felt a huge amount of various feelings bubble within him. It was nearly overwhelming, but not in such a bad way.

"So, want to go on a date later this week?" Harry was the one who initiated it, because he simply thought it was going to be better that way.

"Yeah, sounds good. What about we go to the park for a walk? Walks are nice." Louis suggested.

Harry agreed to that with a genuine smile on display.

Their journey as a couple began, each day bringing new discoveries. Harry embraced Louis' uniqueness, learning to appreciate the beauty of Louis' perspective of the world more and more each day. Louis, in turn, found comfort in Harry's unwavering support and genuine care.

Their love story wasn't conventional, but it was theirs. It was a tale of two friends, who discovered a love that surpassed the boundaries of understanding and acceptance, a love that thrived in the beautiful chaos of their unique connection.

Hi! One more one shot today. Hope you like it<3

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