With you by my side

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In the bustling city streets, Harry and Louis walked hand in hand. They were heading to Louis' favourite place to get his favourite food as any other friday.
It was a routine that they abide by. Following a routine was one of Louis' many needs that Harry knew were really important.

Louis, with his endearing quirks and bright spirit, got through life in his unique way. His autism, a part of his identity, sometimes became a bridge to misunderstandings from those who didn't comprehend his differences. Louis had met quite a few people who didn't understand him, but he didn't care. The only person he really cared about was Harry, his boyfriend. They had been dating for over two years, which was more than for a little while. That being said, Harry got to know Louis' behavior really well throughout those two years.

As they strolled down the street, Louis absorbed everything around him, his senses overwhelmed by all of those sights, sounds, and movements. The bustling crowds and various noises often became too much, causing a sensory overload that was challenging for Louis to get through.

Today, however, the city was particularly chaotic.
Harry noticed Louis' demanour changed. His eyes darted around, his fingers twitching nervously.

His breaths became shallow, and a familiar uneasy feeling settled in his chest, transforming into a bunch of emotions he struggled to contain.

"Louis?" Harry shifted his gaze towards his boyfriend, his voice coming off gentle.
Louis wasn't competent to answer in that very moment.

Without warning, Louis's distress reached the tipping point. Overwhelmed by all those things, he let out a strangled cry and began to hit himself, the frustration and confusion consuming him. It was a heartbreaking sight for Harry. He immediately got into action, pulling Louis into a tight embrace, trying to create a cocoon of safety for his boyfriend.

"Too much. It's too much!" Louis carried to flail with his hands in Harry's arms while repeating this over and over again.
"Louis, sweetheart, it's okay. I am here." Harry kept saying soothing words to him. Louis' distress didn't go away, the boy crying out in pure agony.

"Too much! Too much!" he shouted, his voice hoarse already.
"Shh, love. It's okay. You are alright. I am here with you. We are okay." Harry's words were gentle but firm.

Passersby stopped in their tracks, their gazes shifting from the distressing scene unfolding in front of them to the unwavering love and support that Harry was showing to Louis. Some wore expressions of confusion, while others gave them judgmental glances.

Harry's focus remained solely on Louis, his heart aching as he felt the intensity of Louis' emotions. He kept murmuring soothing words to him, his voice a steady anchor in the storm that was Louis experiencing inside.

"I've got you. You're safe with me." Harry whispered, his voice filled with reassurance. He gently guided Louis to a quieter spot, away from the busy street, seeking comfort in a nearby park where the surroundings were more calm.

Harry continued to hold Louis close, giving him the time he needed to process the overwhelming wave of emotions.

Louis' frantic movements eased up, his breaths steadied, and his sobs softened into quiet hiccups. He leaned into Harry's embrace, seeking comfort in the familiar warmth and safety that only Harry could provide.

"Thank you, Harry." Louis murmured, pulling away. He looked up at Harry, his eyes reflecting gratitude and love.

Harry smiled tenderly, brushing a strand of hair away from Louis's forehead.
"Always, my love. I'll always be here for you no matter what."

Together, they stayed in that tranquil part of the park, enveloped in their love. For Harry, nothing mattered more than making sure that Louis felt supported, safe, and loved.

"Dinner. We need to go get my chicken nuggets and fries for dinner." a frown took over Louis' face as he remembered what they were supposed to do.

"Yeah, let's go. You will get your nuggets with fries and I will get a chicken burger like we ususally do." Louis nodded. That was right, that was how it should be.

As they strolled back towards the busy street, Louis entwined his fingers with Harry's.

Harry made sure to check up on Louis as they approached the place they would eat at every week, noticing that Louis was handling it really well all the way there.

Louis sat down at their usual table, waiting for Harry to sit beside him with their food.
"Here is our food." Harry placed a plate in front of Louis before he joined him by sitting down as well.

Louis' gaze shifted from his plate to Harry's, a smile tugging on the corners of his lips, when he saw their usual orders.
He reached to the middle of the table, grabbing two forks and two knives for himself and Harry.
"Here." he handed Harry his cutlery with a smile.
"Thank you, love." Harry smiled at his boyfriend in response.
"You're welcome." Louis cut himself a first piece out of his six dinosaur shaped nuggets.

While walking back home, Louis kept their hands intertwined again.
"I love you, Harry. Thank you for being here for me today." Louis stopped in his tracks when they were standing outside of their flat. He didn't have to be so cautious because there wasn't so many threats in the hallway of their house of flats.
"I love you too, Lou." Harry pressed his lips against Louis' in a quick kiss.

Harry was proud of Louis for managing yet another day full of challenges. He was so in love with that blue eyed boy and he was so glad Louis felt similar about him.

When they entered, Louis put his shoes down on its place as well as his jacket.
"Okay." Louis said to himself, retreating into the bathroom to wash his hands.
Harry follows him tight, doing the same.

"Now is time for puzzles and cuddles." Louis announced when they entered their living room.
"Yes, as every friday. Do you have any puzzles you'd like to put together?" Louis nodded vehementally, running away.

Lot of people would find those routines of Louis' boring and stupid, but Harry did not. He knew how important it was for Louis to follow a schedule, a plan. Also, Harry loved spending time with him, even if they still did the same activities over and over again.

"Airplane, Harry, you got me this one last week." Louis sat down beside his boyfriend, unwrapping the box, and opening it.
"What plane is that?" Harry grabbed the lid, so he could take a look at it once more. Knowing Louis, Harry was positive about getting a proper answer.
"It's Boeing 737 MAX 8." Harry's gaze shifted from the picture to Louis, seeing how concentrated he was while spreading the puzzles over the conference table. The curly guy smiled at him fondly.

Louis managed to find two pieces from the left upper corner, putting them together, before he looked at Harry in anticipation. Harry searched through the pieces, finding one that fitted with one of those Louis had previously put together. Afterwards, Louis searched for two more to connect to the three they had put together before.

They were done in an hour. Louis absolutely loved puzzles, and he was really great in putting them together too.

"And now cuddles, Harry." the curly one nodded, opening his arms for Louis. At the beginning of their relationship, cuddling wasn't something Louis would require, but he learned to like it over time.

He snuggled close to Harry, letting him wrap his arms around him.
"Love you, Harry." he looked up into Harry's greens.
"Love you too, boo." Harry smiled down at Louis, kissing him on the lips.
When Harry pulled away from him, Louis repeated Harry's actions, pressing his lips onto his as well.

Louis felt content, safe, and loved with Harry. He had everything he needed. He had someone who understood his needs and quirks, who was along his side through thick and thin. Harry loved Louis exactly how he was, he wouldn't trade him for anyone else.

Their love was unyielding, a love that surpassed any obstacle, including the challenges that came with Louis' autism.

Hi, my lovely readers! So, here is a new chapter. I hope nobody finds this offensive, it wasn't my intention! I'd like to make a full story like this in the future. Would you like that?
I really hope you enjoyed this one shot. Let me know in the comments.

Remember that you are loved xx

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