03: All i wanted was the truth

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It was the next morning, although I believed, as the draped curtains that almost touched the floor, blocked any sunlight from shining through.

He walked in with a floral patterned tray, I thought was bit odd for a single man but didn't question as he was bringing in food and water. The tray contained a bowl of plain cereal, sprinkled with a handful of chopped fruit and a glass of milk.

He gently placed the tray besides me on top of, one of the two creaky, wooden, nightstands. My eyes were still swollen and dreary that I still wasn't quite awake.

His smile was reassuring but I wasn't supposed to be feeling this fuzzy sensation and immediately snapped myself out of it, positioning myself up straight. "I'll only eat if you tell me exactly why I'm here" I threatened but my shakiness in my voice, crumbled my confidence and I was starting to believe he didn't care whether I ate or not.

"Okay, okay, ask me anything you wish to know" Replying calming, he seated himself upon the bed, the sheets crumpled underneath him. He seemed nervous but was completely sure of what I'd ask.

I cleared my throat and licked my dry lips. "Well, why did you bring me here? Exactly who are you? And why can't you let me go?" Beside the fact I was utter scared that every breath I'd make would shutter a wrong reaction in him, I decided to ask him the important questions that were on my mind.

He paused, pressing his hand firmly against the bed, i tensed up, expecting a harsh response but I was dumbfounded when he started to reply to my questions in a manner I was so unfamiliar with.

"Hmm, well the reason you are here, is because ever since I laid eyes on you, I knew you were the one, I couldn't bring myself to talk to you, so I thought collecting you myself would be easier." His eyes drifted towards the floor but he still continued to speak in his calming tone. "Besides, now we have all the time in the world to talk, I don't mean to sound sinister, I don't, I also wish you no harm, so please, don't be afraid my dear." His fluffy, hair fell in front of his face while he repositioned his eyes back at mine.

"You seriously couldn't have just spoken to me? If we got to know each other of off different circumstances then maybe I would have fallen for you but," I started to tremble as I clenched my fists. "But, this is just crazy!! You fucking kidnapped me? You couldn't have thought of any better idea? Like I don't know, ASKING ME OUT ON A FREAKING DATE??? I yelled, tears, swelling my already swollen eyes.

I mumbled under my breath "This is psychotic" In the heat of the moment I was just so confused and scared, I just wanted to go back home. "You scare the living daylights out of me?" "What makes you think I could see you any other way" I cut myself of before uncontrollably freaking out.

He sighed, his eyes looked so sad, he released the tension in his hand and neatly placed it upon his lap. He slowly, lifted himself up and untied the ropes around my arms. "Eat up" he proceeded to say and gently drifted out of the room.

"Wait, you didn't answer my other questions" I swiftly reminded, I needed answers and I wanted them now.

"You'll have to wait another day" He turned to face me, as my eyes pooled with tears.


Did his...

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