Part Three

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As the taxi heads down a very long driveway off in the country, you feel your hands getting colder and colder the closer you get. What am I even going to say to whoever opens the door? If they open the door! The landscaping is very, very overgrown, making it seem like no one has taken care of the property for years now. It doesn't make any sense to you, and you can feel the tension coming from the driver. "Are you sure this is the right place, Miss?"

"Yes," you reply, trying to keep your tone as calm and content as you can. Lie. "I do apologize for the condition of the land; it hasn't been taken care of in a long time. My... uncle had health issues."

You can instantly see his shoulders relax as his grip on the steering wheel eases. "Ah, so you've inherited this nasty place! I remember hearing rumors about it being haunted in the past."

"You know about this place?"

"Everyone knows about it! Some say the king of demons himself lived here. Over the years, people have heard strange noises coming from the place when there was a staff here. To the best of my knowledge, no one has been out this way in a very, very long time. I didn't even realize Alex was still with us! I figured he had kicked the bucket years ago."

I'm sorry, king of what?! You go to ask about Alex, but you just called this man your uncle. Smooth. "You know how country men are; stubborn until the end..." Grinding your teeth, your line of sight falls upon the mansion as it suddenly appears from the overgrown trees. "Dear God," you whisper. The place is in horrible condition, far worse than it was in your nightmare last night.

"Well, Miss, it looks like you're going to have your hands full with this place if you're going to restore it. I suggest ripping the place down and rebuilding. This home is stained." The driver brings the taxi to a stop, probably not wanting to get any closer than he has to.

"What are my damages?" You ask as you get your wallet out of your bag.

"You know, you were the only person I gave a ride to today. Seeing how bad this place is, I think you should save your funds. Don't worry about it."

"Sir, I—"

"Miss Burgess, please. Consider it my thanks for finally getting this wretched place out of our society."

Sighing softly, you set your wallet down. "What supposedly took place here? I've never been one to listen to stories."

"Oh, they aren't stories. There were murders, sacrifices, devil worshipping, baby slaying, strange parties, just about anything you could imagine. Consider yourself lucky you never got pulled into the legacy."

You can feel the blood drain from your face as your cheeks grow pale. Nodding softly, your stomach can hardly tolerate what he just said to you. "Thank you for the drive, and for the information."

The driver turns and looks back at you. "Would you like for me to wait for you?"

"No, no, that's not necessary. I'm sure Uncle Alex has a car somewhere on this property. Drive safe, please."

He offers you a smile, which you return as you open the door and get out, the cold air hitting you instantly. It's colder out here, almost like the air is different; any sense of warmth has been sucked from the atmosphere. Holding your breath, you begin walking towards the front door as you hear the taxi drive off. I must be insane. I surely, surely am insane. Reaching the front door, you can feel your hands begin to shake as you knock loudly against the dense wood. Stepping back, you wait idly for a moment, nervously waiting for it to open... except it doesn't. Tensing your jaw, you step forward and knock again, harder. The change in your hit causes the door to shift, which causes you to step back, startled. The door isn't latched to begin with. If something goes wrong, if something ends up happening, you have nothing to protect yourself. You never invested in a cell phone, mostly because you never bothered to learn how to use one. Never mind the monthly payment. The only thing you have in your bag is a small thing of pepper spray, which you've had far past its expiration date. I'm going to die here. Using your boot, you slowly push the heavy door open, the creaking sound matches the one it's made every single time in your nightmares, causing a chill to run down your spine. This cannot be a good idea. Swallowing down the growing, choking tension, you step inside. "Hello?" You call out, not knowing if you should expect a reply or not. If the front door is open and the home is in this much disarray, there is a very, very strong chance that this entire home is empty and hasn't seen a living soul in years. The appearance and layout of the home is exactly as you've seen it though, minus the aging. It was real. This place is real. You're so out of your own league right now, you aren't even paying attention to the fact that your nightmares have been correct. The thing that's running through your mind is something worse. What if he's not here? The last time you saw this place, there were people here. The home wasn't in terrible condition, it was lively and had some form of warmth to it. Now it's empty, the wallpaper is peeling, and the air is frigid and stagnant. What if he's not here?

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