Part Four

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Arriving back at your apartment, you get out of the car once you've parked. Coming over to the passenger side, you offer him a hand out, gracefully grasping his arm once more. With the mild height difference between you both, it makes things just a hair more difficult. You can tell he's gotten stronger already, which comes as a relief. Stepping onto the sidewalk, he looks around in mild wonder. This is the first time he's seen the world since his capture. Taking notice of his expression, a small, tired smile finds its way to your lips. "A lot has changed," you state as you both head to the entrance. "Some good, some bad, some in between." Opening the door, you allow him in before you. Closing it behind you, you both begin climbing the stairs.

"The world is always changing. It's just odd not to have witnessed it as it was happening."

"Wait until you see TVs and microwaves. The music of today isn't that great either."

He scoffs lightly under his breath. "Entertainment is a dying business. It has been for decades. The last decent creators and artists died before the nineteenth century."

"Were you always this blunt?" You ask playfully as you take your keys out of your bag.

"I'm not feeling particularly warm towards humans right this moment."

"I guess it's a good thing that I started out as a bird, then," you counter, not a hint of sarcasm in your voice. "There are some that are kind and then there are others who simply aren't." Coming to a stop at your door, you pluck yet another letter hanging in front of you before slipping your key into the lock. Looking down at the paper, it's another letter from the landlord, reminding you yet again that your lease has been terminated and you need to be out by the end of the week. Two notes in one day? Seriously? Sighing quietly, you turn the key and open the door.

"What is that?" He asks as he scans over the paper.

"Nothing that needs to be worried about right now." Folding the paper before he can finish reading it, you gesture him in. "I apologize for the lack of space."

"This is massive in comparison. Don't apologize."

Coming inside, you close the door behind you both. Setting your bag down on the bed, you're suddenly reminded of your wet clothing. How you managed to forget is beyond you. I still need to find him something to wear. The God of Dreams is standing in my apartment, who just so happens to be my husband, who just so happens to be nearly as old as time itself. Do I ask him if he wants some tea or something? "If you would like to shower, please feel free. If you would like to sleep, the bed is yours. If you would like to eat, help yourself. What's mine is yours." Removing your still soggy boots, you become another inch shorter than him as you set them down on the floor and turn towards him, finding him already standing next to you. Setting his items down on your bed, he looks down at you as you look up at him, your mind already racing.

"There is much that I have to do," he states as he looks back into your eyes. It brings him comfort; more comfort than you can ever realize. "I will stay with you tonight because I can't bear the thought of walking away from you right now. Tomorrow, upon morning, I must return to our kingdom. When I am sure that it is safe, I will come for you, if you are willing to come back with me."

Am I? It's not like I have much of a life here. What would it be like though? What if I hate it? What if I'm stuck there? Swallowing, you nod slowly. Trust in your other half. "I would like to be able to remember our kingdom before I agree to join you on the journey of a lifetime, but I will go back with you, if you will have me. If all you've told me is true, and I believe it is, then there isn't another place I would rather be." His color has completely returned to him, and his features appear healthy again. While his tired eyes still give him away, you would never know he looked so sick not even two hours ago. His lips have turned a soft pink and while his skin is still pale, he no longer looks like a ghost. "How are you feeling?"

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