Part 1 - Joel and Etho - Chapter 1

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As we stood in the ring of fire. Together. Finally together. I smiled. Not A happy one. Not a sad one. Not a angry one. Just a smile.

"Soulmates, forever and ever, Right Etho?"





Joel ran through the forest, Etho close behind him. Currently, the two were heading over to BDubs and Impulse's place. Etho had been dragged along even though he didn't want to go, Joel had made him. The two stopped on-top of a hill that was just as BDubs and Impulse's place. They took a moment to catch their breath. Smiling at each other. Well, we couldn't tell if Etho was smiling due to the black mask he wore.

"Alright, let's get down there and fast." Joel said, running down the hill. Etho let out a sigh and ran after him.

The two nearly fell as they ran down the hill. Mainly Joel. Etho laughed every time. Joel rolled his eyes, but he laughed as well.

The two arrived in front of the house where everyone else was.

Excited and worried yells broke out from everyone. Leaving Joel and Etho confused.

Joel glanced around, trying to spot what everyone was yelling about. He noticed Grian had towered up around 30 blocks. Grian was holding a fishing rod in his hand. The fishing rod was a far way down. His eyes traveled the fishing rod string until he saw it wrapped around Pearl's waist. As soon as Joel noticed this, Pearl was launched into the air.

Loud yells broke out once again, mainly from Pearl's soulmate, Scott.

Joel just laughed, looking at Etho who had a worried look on his face.

"You okay?" Joel asked him, nudging his side. Etho looked down at him, nodding slowly.

"I'm good.." Etho said quietly, looking away. Joel opened his mouth to say something but heard someone yell his name before he could even say a single word.

"Joel!" He turned over to see Grian yelling for him.

"What's up?" Joel yelled back, walking closer to the tower Grian sat down on.

"Wanna join in?" Pearl asked. She sounded excited and was smiling like crazy.

Joel smiled, getting ready to reply before Etho yanked him back.

"Huh? Etho?"

Joel was completely confused on why his soulmate had pulled him back.

"Don't do it," Etho said, keeping his voice low.

"We're already on yellow.. and this.. it's just.. too risky. We can't go red, Joel." He said. His voice full of worry.

Joel blinked, rather surprised. He then let out a small laugh. "Calm down, Etho! You got the water bucket clutch god as your soulmate. I'll- We'll Be Fine." He reassured him.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2022 ⏰

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