Chapter 10 - Airborne

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A/N: Before we start, thank you for over 100 reads! I honestly didn't think this story would get this far, so thank you all for this! 

Year 844

Silence filled the dining hall, only the sound of cutlery clattering on the table as people dropped their spoons breaking the quiet. Hitch was trying to eat but after a few mouthfuls she stopped, Amelia was fiddling with her necklace, Millie was zoning out, and Noa was muttering under his breath.

The bell rang, signifying the ending of breakfast. The cadets filed out and split into their classes. Amelia's class stayed by the dining hall, but they barely spoke. Noa finally spoke and broke the silence.

"We'll all do great," he said, but his expression told them all that he too was worried, "I mean, we all know how to use the gear and not steer into trees, so we should all pass with a good score."

They all nodded, unsure. But their uncertainty was replaced by nerves when their instructor called, "Harry Davies! Please bring your class to the forest for the exam!"

They all stood and followed their class leader Harry to the forest where the exam would take place. At the edge of the forest their gear was in their cases.

"Alright everyone," he pushed his glasses up his nose, "in the forest there are titans everywhere. To kill them you must cut away the nape of their neck, as it is their only weak spot. When I say go, you will have as much time as you need to put on your gear, but the exam will only last a total of twenty minutes, so you should be done after five. Then, you are free to go in any direction through the forest. All of the instructors and Commander Meijer will be spread throughout the forest, and will be watching as you kill as many titans as possible," he smiled at them all, "you guys can do this. Just remember your training. Go!"

The class scrambled for their gear. Amelia found Hitch's, gave it to her and then found her own. She fumbled with the gear, but soon the muscle memory took over and she was tightening the straps. As she was checking to make sure everything was aligned and nothing was out of place, Noa whizzed away. He was the first to be ready, but soon after so was Harry Davies. When Amelia was ready, she looked at Hitch, who was still checking her gear, but she glanced up and gave Amelia a look of encouragement. Then, Amelia entered the forest, and she began to fly through the air.

As she sped through the forest, she whipped her head around, looking for titans. The first Amelia found was just behind a tree, so she swung around it and sliced through the foam where the nape of its neck would be, making a deep slice with her swords. The foam fell to the ground, and Amelia smiled, One down, however many left to go, she thought.

She continued flying through the forest, finding titan after titan. Once she passed Millie taking one down, and she yelled, "Good job Mills!" Millie turned her head and grinned, before going her own way through the forest.

Amelia felt the stares of the instructors as she passed them. They were like eagles watching their prey. When she neared another titan, just before she struck, Noa slid in and stole the kill. Amelia still managed to slice the foam, but Noa coming in at the last second startled Amelia so that she didn't manage to cut it deep enough.

"Noa!!!" she whined, "aren't we friends?"

Noa looked at Amelia and laughed. "Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do."

Amelia smirked. She would get payback for that, no matter what happened. 

As she glided through the forest, occasionally stopping to brutally murder a wooden titan, Amelia smiled and breathed in the forest air. She had made it this far and hadn't gone home, surely she could pass an exam.

When the test concluded, Amelia landed at the same spot where the exam began. Everyone was there and taking off their gear. Amelia took off hers, and Hitch grinned at her when she approached the group.

"How did you go?" Hitch asked.

"I think I went well," said Amelia, "well enough to pass, at least."

"You'll be fine," said Noa, "you're the top of our class."

"You sure?" asked Amelia, "honestly, you're more likely to be top of the class. Or Harry."

Millie scoffed, and when they looked at her she said, "what about me?" batting her eyelashes innocently, and that made them all to start laughing. 


"CADETS!" Commander Meijer's voice rang out among the crowd of cadets, as loud as it had been the first day there.

"You have all just completed your first examination. Some did better than others, and you can all improve your skills," the corners of her lips turned up, ever so slightly, to the closest thing to a smile on her face that the cadets ever saw there, "I'm now going to announce the current top ten. If your name is called please come to the front, and if your name isn't called don't feel discouraged, but feel encouraged to work harder and get into the ten by the end of your training."

Hitch looked over and nudged Amelia, "that's gonna be you up there."

"No it's not!" Amelia whispered, "and shush!"

Hitch giggled, and Amelia turned her attention back to the Commander.

"Rank 10, Audrey Jansen," an applause went through the crowd, and the girl went and stood in the front. "Rank 9, Brian Normandy," again, applause, and Brian stood next to Audrey. "Rank 8, Sebastian Scrivener," the applause was quieter this time, probably because people couldn't be bother to clap so much.

"Rank 7, Amelia Springer," she gasped, and Hitch pushed her forward, with loud cheering from the three of them. Amelia stood at the front, suddenly self conscious. She was in the top ten. She was good enough to be ranked 7th.

Amelia was so busy thinking, the Commander had reached the fourth rank before she was paying attention again.

" Rank 4, Harry Davies." Amelia grinned. Two of her class had made it. "Rank 3, Noa..." Commander Meijer trailed off, but then Noa walked up and stood next to Harry.

Commander Meijer looked at Noa, "okay then. Rank 2, Irena Ali," a small girl, about Millie's height, joined them. "And Rank 1, Alarick Mills."

A roaring applause washed over the top ten. The commander raised her hand, quieting the cadets. "These ranks will change by the end of your training, so work even harder enter to top ten by the end of your time here. The only way for you to enter the Military Police is by reaching the top ten. Dedicate your hearts!"

It was met by loud yelling and the thumping of chests as the cadets saluted. Then, the commander and the instructors left and the cadets dissipated to their cabins. Millie and Hitch enveloped Noa and Amelia in hugs, and then Noa and Harry walked off to their cabin and Millie, Hitch and Amelia to theirs.

As Amelia lay on her bed, about to fall asleep, Hitch whispered to her, "Hey, don't fall asleep. I want to show you something, but we have to wait for everyone to go to sleep, even Millie."

"Okay?" Amelia whispered back, so she lay on her back and stared at the ceiling, waiting for the cabin to be filled with the silence and snores of sleep.

Authors Notes

Finally finished this chapter! I am so sorry it took so long for me to write, but I lost motivation again and needed a bit of a break, and I also went on holidays and had no time to write. I'm sorry for not having a consistent posting schedule, but I'm trying to balance school and all of my after school activities and sleep all at once. I'm really tired, but I'll try to post the next chapter sometime in the next two weeks.

Thank you for reading, I'll try to live up to your expectations!

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