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Charlie POV

It's been a few hours and the doctors have told me Noa has a bacterial infection, they have started her on some antibiotics and now they are just waiting to see improvements before we can leave. Seb has stayed with me, he is sat next to me holding my hand and rubbing small circles on the back.

"Thank you Seb for coming. I didn't know who else to call"
"It's absolutely fine. I'm always here if you need me"
I smile at him and he smiles back, he places his hand on my cheek "there she is"
I can't help but lean into his hand slightly.
"I should call Chris and let him know what's happened and his mum and everyone. Can you watch her for me?"
"Of course"

I walk out of the door and make my way to the seating area where I start to make my calls.
Lisa and everyone offer to come to the hospital but I explain Seb is here and I'm okay. I tell them I'll call if I need them. Then it's Chris's turn, I know him and he is going to want to come home straight away.

"Hey Charlie bear"
"Hey Chris"
"Everything okay?"
"Don't freak out okay?"
"Well that's not helping whats wrong? Is Noa okay?"
"She is in the hospital"
"Calm down. She ran a high temperature so I bought her here. She has an infection which she is now being treated for with antibiotics. She is okay Chris"

"I'm coming home.....I'll get the next flight...."
"Chris! Chris!"
"Don't. She is okay and you need to be there. It's okay"
"No it's not Charlie I should be with you guys. You shouldn't be alone"
"I'm not alone"
"Is my mum there or Scott, Shanna Carly?"
"No........Sebs here actually"
"Oh really?"

"Don't start Evans. He was the first person after you I thought off"
"Don't hmmmm me okay. But seriously I'm okay. Noa is okay and you'll be back in a couple of days anyway right?"
"Yeah. Wednesday. I'm coming straight to you okay?"
I can't help but giggle "okay"

"Give Noa big kisses for me. Love ya Charlie bear"
"Love ya too Christopher Robin"
I hang up and walk back to Noas room. As I open the door I hear Seb softly singing
'Rock a bye baby on the tree top......'
I look inside and he is holding Noa and rocking her softly. She is awake and staring up at him.

The sight before me makes me smile so much. He is so good with her and she seems to adore him. I clear my throat and make my presence known.
"Hey. Sorry she woke up and I didn't want her to cry again"
I lean over and kiss her head "it's okay. She seems happy"
"Her temperature has gone down. The doctor just checked on her. He wants to wait another hour and then check again and then hopefully we can go home"

I nod and smile "thank you. If you need to go I completely understand"
He shakes his head and continues to bounce Noa in his arms.
"I'm not going anywhere. As long as you want me here"
I nod and he smiles.
"What did Chris say?"
"Was ready to come home straight away but I managed to persuade him not too. Told him I'm in good hands"
He looks up at me and smiles.

Noa had fallen back to sleep in Sebs arms so he gently placed her back in the hospital bed. He sat next to me and I yawned loudly.
"Why don't you try and sleep for a bit. I can watch her"
"No it's okay" I let out another yawn and Seb laughs.
"Come here" he pulls me into his chest, I rest my head and my hand and snuggle in close. He kisses my head and whispers "get some sleep"

My answer is just a sigh as I feel my body slowly drifting off, with the warmth of Sebastian around me. I fall into a deep sleep, with a smile on my face.

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