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Charlie POV

It's been a an amazing few days, any spare time Seb has had has been spent with me and Noa. We've had breakfast, lunch and dinner together and spent our evening cuddled up watching movies. It's been so great getting to know him more and his bond with Noa has developed so much and she adores him.

Today, he goes home to New York. And I stay here in Boston. I don't really know how I'm feeling, we haven't put labels on this, we haven't slept together and we haven't spoken about what will happen next. So I don't know where I stand or where we stand. We have gone for breakfast this morning and then he has to leave for the airport.

We are sat in what has become our favourite cafe, Seb has Noa in his arms and he is talking to her about all the amazing food she will be able to try when she gets some teeth. I can't help but giggle, Noa is looking up at him, not really knowing what he is saying but still listening intensely to his voice.

"So Noa when you start eating, I'm going to get you to try so many different foods. Gotta start on the taste palate as soon as possible"
My smile drops slightly and he seems to notice, he looks over to me and furrows his brow.
"What's up?"
"Nothing. It's just I don't know when we will see you again so you might not get the chance to introduce her to new food"

I shrug and look down to my plate. He places Noa in her pushchair and holds my hand. He uses his finger to pull my chin up so I'm looking at him.
"Charlie, I will come back. I'm not going to disappear on you"
"I know but I understand Seb, you have a life in New York and I don't expect to be a part of that" I look down again so he doesn't see the sadness in my eyes.

"Charlie? Look at me" I look up and he is smiling at me. He leans in and kisses me softly.
"I want you to be a part of it. I know it's only been a few weeks and we are still figuring this out but I don't want this to stop just because I'm back in New York. It's just over a 3 hour journey right? So I can come back here when I have time off and you can always come to New York if you would like too."

I look at him shocked "you would want me too?"
"Of course. You and Noa. Charlie I'm going to miss you like crazy. I never expected to meet someone I care about so much on this trip but I did. And not only one but two people I care about. I would love to see where this could go"
I smile at him "only if you want to of course"

I nod and smile "I do too"
"Okay. Well we will FaceTime and message and call as often as possible. I have to keep an eye on this one anyway" looking at Noa "see how much she grows"
I giggle "she will miss your voice you know"
"I know" he says proudly which I can't help but laugh at.
"I will too"
He smiles and kisses me again. He phone rings and he answers it.
"Okay. I'm coming"

He looks up at me "I gotta go. Cars going to be at the hotel in an hour"
We pay the bill and head back to the car. I drive him to his hotel and we kiss. A passionate, sweet kiss. He says his goodbyes to Noa and then goes into this hotel. I can't help but cry, all the way home. When I get there I see Chris standing outside my door. He comes to the car and opens the door.

Looking at me with sympathy. "Hey Charlie bear"
I try to smile but I just can't. He pulls me gently out of the car and holds me close.
"It's okay Charlie, you'll see him again."
"I just.....miss......him.....already"
"I know. Come on let's get you both inside"

He helps me inside the house and he puts Noa down for her nap. I'm in the kitchen making a coffee when he appears again.
"Charlie are you okay?"
I nod "yeah. Just hate goodbyes"
"It's not goodbye. Your going to see him again Charlie. He cares about you so much. He spoke to me about you. Asked me if I thought he was good enough for you"
"He did?"
He nods "yeah. He really likes you and he adores Noa. This isn't just a fleeting thing for him Charlie bear. He is all in"

I smile wide "so am I"
"Good. Now go to him before he leaves and show him exactly how much your going to miss him."
"He leaves in an hour Chris"
"Well.....go now"
"What about....."
"I've got her. Go!"

I rush to my car and drive as safely and as fast as I can. I pull up to his hotel and rush inside. I've been here a few times and the desk clerk smiles and nods for me to go up. I rush to his room
And knock on the door, he opens it and I can see the shock on his face.
Before he has a chance to say anything I pull him in for a passionate kiss. It's crazed and rushed but it's amazing. Our tongues fight for dominance and my hands are in his hair while his are on my ass.

He taps my bum and I jump up, I wrap my legs around him and he carries me inside, kicking the door shut with his foot. He carries me over to the bed, while he sits down and I straddle his lap. I pull away from the kiss and take a breath.
"Charlie? Are you sure?"
I nod and kiss him again, deeply trying to put everything I can into this kiss. Telling him I want more, I want him and I want him now.

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