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I spend a few hours cleaning the house and sorting dinner, it's nothing fancy just a simple pasta dish with homemade garlic bread. I decided to clean myself up a little too. I've done a little make up, styled my hair and I'm wearing a pretty dress. I've even dressed Noa up in a little dress too. She looks so cute.

Everything is on low and I'm just waiting to hear from Seb, I look at the time and it's already 7pm, surly he shouldn't be much longer. I decide to put the TV on and watch a bit of junk while I wait. I scroll through social media and I notice a post, someone has tagged Sebastian in. I click on it and it's him and some people in a club, he has his arm around a blonde woman and he is talking into her ear.

I look at the caption thinking it must be an old photo but it says the photo was taken just an hour ago. I can't help but shake my head, I don't mean to but I feel myself tear up. He forgot about coming here. He forgot about dinner and he forgot about me. He is out there flirting with other woman after kissing me.

I walk into the kitchen and turn everything off, I blow out the candles on the table and I take Noa to her room. I change her and feed her and place her down to sleep. I then go into my room, I change and wash my make up off. I cleanse and moistures and head to bed. As I snuggle under the comforter. I feel the tears fall. I knew it was too good to be true. How could I ever think he would actually be interested in me. I'm a no one, with a baby and I don't exactly look like a model. I cry myself to sleep. Realising I may never have a relationship again.


The meeting had run over nearly 3 hours, I had signed on for another movie and everyone wanted to celebrate. So we decided to go out for a few drinks, I check the time and can see it nearly 8pm and I haven't let Charlie know when I'm coming yet. I decide to run out front and call her quickly, I'm such a idiot.

The phone rings a few times and eventually she answers
"Hello" she doesn't sound like her usual happy self.
"Hey. I'm so sorry it's late. I came out with the guys to celebrate my new movie and I lost track of time. Can I still come over?"
"Erm......no.....I don't think that's a good idea.....Noa is settled and I'm tired"
I can't help but be a bit disappointed.
"Oh okay. Maybe breakfast in the morning then?"

There is silence on the other end of the phone.
I hear her sniffle. I think she is crying. "Charlie what's wrong?"
"Nothing. I don't think it's a good idea Seb. Your going back to New York in a few days and you seem to be enjoying yourself out so maybe just forget it okay. I'm sure I'll see you round. Bye Seb"
Before I can say anything she is hanging up. I don't understand what is going on.

I walk over to my mates and see my manger, she smiles and hugs me.
"Everything okay?"
"Yeah....I'm going to head out. I'll see you tomorrow okay?"
"Okay sweetie. See you tomorrow"
As I get into the car, my phone pings and I see it's from Chris. He has sent me a link to a magazine article.

'Sebastian Stan seen with blonde looking very cosy and intimate'
Shit! Charlie must of seen this, that's why she was acting so weird. Fuck!
I text Chris back and tell him thanks, I send the article to my manager and ask her to sort it out. The blonde woman in question was a friend of one of the directors I met with, I was talking in her ear because the music was so loud.

She tried it on and asked for my number but I told her I wasn't interested, which she respected and moved on. But if Charlie has seen this, she must think I'm such a dick especially when I didn't even let her know I was running late. For fuck sake!! I'm such a moron!!!

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