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It had been a few days since I passed out, they let me leave the hospital the next day and now I'm back at home. Seb is still here and he is being so sweet. Lisa has kept Noa overnight, bringing her to see me everyday just so I can get myself back on my feet.

"Charlie what are you doing?"
"I'm getting a drink"
"Sit. I can get you a drink"
"Seb. Baby I'm okay"
He shakes his head and walks over to me, gently pushing me towards the living room to sit down.
"Seb seriously, I can't keep sitting on my ass day in and day out. I'm fine"
"Doctor said you need rest. So rest"
I groan, "I have a daughter and I have work. I can't just keep sitting here"

Seb sighs and walks away, I know he is frustrated but so am I. I hate the fact this happened, I hate the fact when Ronnie shows up I'm a complete mess. He wouldn't have a chance in getting Noa from me and I wasn't going to give in. He didn't deserve to see her, he never wanted her.

I go to the bedroom and get dressed, I need to go for a walk and get some fresh air. I get Noa from her crib and get her dressed and settled in her pushchair. I then grab my coat, Seb walks into the hall.
"Where are you going?"
"I'm going for a walk with my daughter, would you like to come or are you going to stay here and be mad?"

He groaned but grabbed his coat "good choice"
We take a nice slow walk around the neighbourhood, Sebastian not saying a word to me. I don't understand why he is so mad at me, just for wanting to move around. I decide to just ask him.
"Seb what's wrong? You've been in a mood since I came home and I don't understand why?"
He just shakes his head at me.

"If your going to be childish then I'll keep walking and you can head back"
I walk at a bit of a faster pace and try to put some distance between me and him.
"Charlie wait"
I stop and turn to face him, trying to seem mad when I was just upset.

He cups my face and kisses me deeply, rubbing his thumbs along my cheeks and resting his head on mine.
"I'm sorry Charlie, I'm just trying to keep you safe"
"I am safe Seb, the doctors said I was fine"
"That's not........I should have been here Charlie, I should have stopped him and then you wouldn't have ended up in hospital"

"Seb what happened wasn't on you. No one knew he was going to show up. I don't even know why he did. But that's not your fault"
He sighs and kisses me again.
"I just......I never thought coming to Boston, I would find someone let alone fall in love and now I have. I just don't want anything to happen to you. You or Noa. You both mean so much to me"

"Seb I love you too but we will be okay. You leave in a few days okay. And I'll be okay"
He shakes his head and looks deep into my eyes "come with me"
"Come to New York with me. Have a break from
Boston and come and see New York. Chris is going to be there too. Please"

"Seb I don't know. That's a big step"
"I know but I just......I need you with me. Both of you"
I can't help but smile, he loves me so much and Noa and I love him. I hate being away from
He looks at me shocked "okay?"
I nod and he kisses me deeply again, I can feel
His smile against my lips.

"You have no idea have happy I am right now"
"I think I do. Because I am too"
We continue our walk, filled with conversations of what we will do in New York. There is a lot of marvel stuff to be done but Seb says he will have time off and then he is all ours.

I can't wait to spend sometime in New York with him, it's going to be so much fun and he is right. I need a break from Boston for a while. Clear my head and get myself back to normal.

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