Chapter 1

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Alvin's POV:

I have a feeling for Simon I cant get off my chest. Weve been together for like since we were a child but I only got this feeling. I know it's wrong. I'm trying hard to stop it. But I can't.

Brittany would be in my mind to help me get rid of this feeling...maybe..

I was running through the halls to find her till I bump into someone

"Aw will you watch where you-"

I paused as I saw it was Simon.
My heart was beating fast, I froze as he stood up and looked at me annoyed.

"Alvin, you should be the one looking where your going. No running in the halls remember."
I stood up and glared at him.
Whatever nerd." Then ran away.

I went into the boys restroom and calmed myself down.
"There it is that feeling again." I mumbled to myself and went out to find Brittany carrying papers.

"Hey Britt." I went and walk by her side.

"What do you want Alvin, if this is about helping you get away from trouble I am not in." She said.

"Pfft no.. I just wanted some help for uhm." I was looking at the floor and was about to look at her when Simon and Jeanette walked by.

He smiled at her so cutely. I knew I wouldn't have a chance when Jeanette makes him so happy. Then Brittany suddenly waved her hand infront of me.

"With what?"
I looked at her and shook my head.
"Nevermind Brittany, I'll head to class now." I said while running backwards and into the other hall.

"Weird...." Brittany mumbled while opening the principal's door and entering.

I entered the class to find out I was 5 minutes late. "Alvin your late again" Miss Smith looks at me and turns around back to the board.

"Nevermind just take your seat. I cant deal with this right now."

I took my sit and brought out my book and opened it to the page we stopped at.
My eyes were on the book for a second and went into the brunette boy sitting next to me. I always admired his eyes, maybe they would look better without his nerdy glasses. Then his eyes slowly turned to me, I looked away immediately and looked at my book.

The bell finally rang. I was eager to get out of the boredom, I took bag and was about to leave until i felt a soft hand held my shoulder from behind.

"Alvin..." I looked and it was Simon. My heart was beating fast again.

"What's up Si?"

He looked at Miss. Smith who was the last one to leave.

"Alvin. I realized Jeanette wasnt the one who wrote the letter."

My heart started beating faster, I forgot that happend. Yet my feelings were still there.

"What do you mean Simon. Wasnt she the one who wrote it?"

"No Alvin." He looked me. "Jeanette doesnt call me "Si." He said while he pulled out the letter and pointed at the "Si" word.


I had to tell him, I need to tell him somehow. I thought while walking in circles in the room. Maybe a letter would be great right? But I have writing. Or I'll just it instead.

I opened my laptop and started to type.
"I like you."

Wrong Letter (Alvon)Where stories live. Discover now