Chapter 5

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"I- I understand Jeanette. Although I will wait for you."

"No Simon, you deserve someone better. Go where you're heart wants to go."

She smiled and patted my shoulder then left.

I came home sad that she had to end our relationship. I was still curious who wrote the letter. I couldnt help it but to cry when I got to my shared bedroom.

I sat on my bed crying then Alvin entered.

"And Alvin- Si?"

He rushed over to me and cupped my cheek

"Si? What's wrong? Why are you crying? Are you hurt? Did someone hurt you?"

"We- we broke up Alvin...."

"Its okay Simon, I'm here" he said as he pulled me into a hug.

"Its okay Si, let it all out."

I hugged him tighter and cried more

A few minuses past and I stopped, my eyes were reddish and I felt sleepy, Alvin pulled out of the hug and played my head on my bed.

I didnt want to let go of him so I held his hand.
He carefully removed it and lay down next to me.

" It's alright Si, I'm just here."

I heard those words before I slept.


I woke up to find myself hugging Alvin.

Could it be?

I moved a little and he suddenly woke up.
"Oh your awake" He moved to get out of bed but I didnt want him to leave yet.

"No I still want to sleep." I said as I pulled him and hugged him tight.

Alvin's POV:

He hugged me tight making sure I wouldn't leave

My heart my racing and I was sure he could hear it.

Simon's POV:

As I hugged him I could feel his heartbeat racing, I've hugged him multiple of times but this time i felt something else.

This time I definitely knew it was him.


A week has gone by and me and Jeanette are great friends, although we dont plan to be in a relationship together again since she really wanted to focuse on her studies and I wanted to focus on someone else.

As he walked by, hes crystal blue eyes looked at us but I dared not to look at him this time. For today is the day I'd confront him.

I caught him staring at me in class, I slowly turned my eyes to him and his eyes goes to his book.

*Present time*

Alvin's POV:

"Look Simon, I did write that but if its bothering or disgusting you, I can try to stop this feelings I promi-"

I stopped and my lips were sealed with his. I couldnt believe what was happening. My heart was racing, I felt joy at that moment and kissed back.

He pulled away some time after and said, "Alvin, I was blind to not see your feelings for me. I do like you Alvin,
I was just confused and I put them aside."

He hugged me afterwards and I hugged back.

"Simon..... you do not know how long I've waited for this."

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