Chapter 4

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Simon POV:

I need to concentrate on my homework right now but all I can think of is about what Alvin said. What if Jeanette wasnt the one who really wrote that? What if- ugh Simon stop over thinking. Atleast I got the girl right?

It has been 2 months me and Jeanette are dating now. But something feels off. Like my relatives with Alvin isnt like how it use to be. We use to play video games almost everytime he was free but now he goes out more often making excuses to not play with me or spend time with me.

Everytime I talk about Jeanette he seems uninterested but would also try to support me. It's weird to see him act like that.

Hes laptop... I remembered the time he quickly closed it when I walked in to the room. What was he hiding?

*Buzz* *Buzz*

"Hey darling"

"Hi Love"

"So what's up?"

"Well I was uh thinking if you uhm wanted to you know, go to the park with me today?"

"Of course Jeanette, what time?"

"1 hour from now"

"Alright bye sweet heart"


*Hangs up*

*An hour later*

I came to the park to see Jeanette sitting on the bench
"Hey sweety" I sat next to her and kissed her cheek.

"Hey Simon."

"What's wrong Jeanette? You voice tone doesnt seem right?"

"Oh! Uhm well theres something we need to talk about."

These words made my heart beat faster because these words were mostly said if a couple is going to break up.

"Sure what is it?"

"Well remember when you said I wrote a letter as my confession that day?"


"Well, it wasnt me okay?! It was someone else and, I feel bad Simon."

"What-? What do you mean it wasnt you?"

"Look Simon, I do like you but I wasnt ready that time to confess, then you came and hugged me saying you returned my feelings."


"Then I thought someone must of told you or you figured ot out yourself since you're smart. But I was wrong. I heard you talking to Kevin that I gave you a letter, which I didn't."

"So that means you werent the one who wrote the letter?"

"Yes Simon, and now I feel bad for that person who did."

"You know who wrote it?"

"No, but i bet that person is crying every night knowing you fell.for the wrong person."

"But Jeanette-"

"Simon. I think we should end our relationship. I dont think I'm really ready and I want to focus on my studies first. I'm sorry Simon."

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