Chapter 3

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*Skip to lunch*
I sat down in an empty table and was about ot start eating but Simon came.

"Mind if I sit here?"

"You can have it." I left and went into a different table
Simon POV:

What the hell is wrong with Alvin, first be was acting weird and shut his laptop so fast when I entered the room, second he cared for being late for class, third he tells me what if Jeanette wasnt the one who wrote that letter and is now avoiding me.

Did I do something wrong?

"Hey Simon" Theodore came and sat beside me holding his tray.

"What's up Theodore"
"Why is Alvin seating alone? Did you guys fight

"I dont know too Theo, he probably just wants privacy."

"Oh uhm hey guys, mind if I seat here?" Jeanette came smiling at me

"Jeanette! Of course you can seat there. Besides you're my girlfriend now."

"Thanks Simon, so what's Alvin doing there seating alone?"

"I think he just wants some privacy"

"Oh I see"

*Skip to dismissal*

Alvin's POV:

I was walking alone going home since I didnt want to be picked up by Dave and ride the ae car next to Simon.
"Ugh how could you be so stupid to say that Alvin" murmured to myself thinking of what I have just said to Simon. "But it was me who wrote the letter. Not Jeanette. But who am I kidding. He looks so happy with her. Maybe he is right, I should have been more happy to say congratulations to him then being pouty." I was thinking as soon as I felt a hand rest on my shoulder.

"Hey Alvin..." It was Simon.

"S- Simon? But I thought Dave was going to pick you up?"

"Oh ye I was suppose to wait but I decided to walk with you instead."

Great the person I was avoiding followed me
"Shouldn't you be walking with Jeanette?"

"Miss Miller picked her up already Heh."

"Oh okay."
I avoided eye contact with him or staring a conversation.

"Alvin I- Look if theres something wrong I did to you pls tell me. I dont know what I did wrong but i want to know what i did."

Should I tell him? No, he'll be embarrassed after he knows it was Jeanette who wrong the letter, he seems more happy with her.

"Oh no that was just me being off the mood. You did nothing wrong" I said while I smiled at him.

"But you dont seem like everything's okay."

"Its personal problems. I dont want you to get involved so best to stay out of it."

"If you say so."

We reached the house and I tossed my school bag on the floor went up to my bedroom and just lay down.
Today was stressful, atleast I made someone happy right?

"Alvin we have homework so you should better start doing it now."

"Whatever nerd..."

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