-Chapter [2]-

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I was awoken by the loud sound of the alarm I set going off. I sighed heavily and tapped blindly at my phone until it turned off, before rolling onto my back. That had to be the worst I've ever slept this entire summer break, if it even counts anymore. I sat up and looked at the time. 5:30AM. School starts at 7:30, so I had less then about 2 hour's to get ready. I forced myself to get out of bed and briefly looked up at the top bunk, where Aiger lay still asleep. I'm curious as to how she didn't wake up yet.

"Aiger, wake up." I murmured, shaking her lightly. I still can't fully determine weather they're a girl or a boy, but I don't have the guts to ask her that. She seemed to wake up as soon as I touched her. She let out a yawn before sitting up. "It's morning already...?" Aiger groaned, half asleep. "If you don't want to be late, you should start getting ready now-" Aiger flopped back down into bed, "You shower first, I need a minute..." I sighed and grabbed a towel from the cabinet. Might as well go first. She's not getting up any time soon. I quickly showered and got dressed. When I came out, Aiger was drowsily scrolling on her phone, probably because I took long. "You finish mooning over yourself?" She scoffed, not making eye contact. "Eheh...sorry..." I mumbled the last part, checking the time, and surprisingly, I did take long. It was already 6AM. Aiger got in the shower no sooner than I got out. She didn't take very long. I decided to wait for Aiger, thinking I could retry our introduction. But when Aiger did come out, she grabbed her shoulder bag and left. Without me . I quickly grabbed my bag and headed out after them, locking the door in the process. Aiger was just about to get in the elevator when I caught up to her.

"You we're just about to leave me, heh heh..." Aiger still didn't make eye contact with me. Her eyes seemed to be glued to that screen. "I know." She said bluntly. Before I could respond, the elevator creaked opened. Aiger walked inside, and I followed after her. I pressed the lobby button, and the door closed, leaving the two of us. I debated if I should ask them now or later, but before I can stop myself, I blurted it out, "So...are you a boy or a girl...?" Good job Valt. This would go down in history for the most awkward moment in existence if it didn't get worse. Aiger shot his head up, looking me dead in the eye. "Excuse me?! Do I look like a girl to you?!" He barked, the "deeper" tone of his voice coming out. "N-no, not at all! I-I just couldn't tell because of your voice and your hair- I-I didn't mean to offend you!" Yet again, I was interrupted by the elevator opening. Aiger stormed out as soon as he could, pretty pissed off. I gulped, realizing the eyes of everyone in the lobby were on me. I sighed and walked out the elevator, slowly trailing after Aiger. The other students tagged along, snickering behind me.

When I was at the school ground, I hesitated slightly. I knew that there would be a dozen students crowding the hallways, not knowing what to do, and most likely wouldn't care if they missed class. Aiger on the other hand walked right in, not seeming to mind. And to think I was supposed to be a "role model". He's a lot braver than I was at his age, and judging from his size, he's probably in 10th grade. I walked inside, still feeling nervous. As I predicted, there was a humongous crowd blocking the stairways. I couldn't even see Aiger through it, even though he just walked in a few seconds before me. I rolled my eyes as a teacher tried directing the students to the right places. I tried my best not to shove my way through the crowd, but those kids were just being way to noisy, and I "accidentally" pushed one of them. When I finally got to my ELA classroom, a few students were seated, while all others were chatting with their friends. I pulled out my phone and began texting my friends, seeing where they were. The actual teacher came in 10 minutes late, exhaling ghastly like she just ran 10 miles.

"H-Hello! Sorry for the delay, those students were just out of control, ha ha! My name is Mrs. Goethe and I'll be your counselor for the year. This is just going to be a PowerPoint on me laying out the ground rules, so feel free to sit anywhere. Or! find your optional seat on the board." The teacher said, gesturing towards the seating chart projected onto the screen. I gazed at the number labeled desk and found my seat. Luckily, the teacher sat me in the back row. I hated being in the front, since it'd always felt like everyone's eyes were on me. I slumped in my seat, waiting for class to begin, with the school's ridiculous 2 hour delay. About 5 minutes later, 10 other students arrived, leaving only 3 seats empty. Mrs. Goethe decided it wasn't worth the wait and started the 'lesson' which was really a bunch of orientation crap. That lasted for the two hours they added. The bell rang, and the students quickly rushed out of the classroom. I took my time though, and asked a lot of unnecessary questions to the guidance counselor, desperately trying to kill time. She told me off eventually, and I grumpily started my way to ELA. Unfortunately, when made it to the classroom, drama sparked almost immediately. The teacher, Ms. Kosher, was so mean. Not only does she nit pick about everyone and everything, she also gripes to the class about how love life is 'oh so hard' and that she just wishes she could find love. Her husband left her after just 2 months, and who could blame him? Poor guy just wanted to start a family. She gives out everyday homework like it's the last day to make up for missing work, and gives us lunch detention if we don't do it. The point is, she's a bitch.

Highschool Mishap // Valt x AigerWhere stories live. Discover now