-Chapter [4]-

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"Then it's settled. Truth or Dare, Valt?" Wakiya asked, smirking.

It would be fun to spice things up a bit with a dare, but with someone like Wakiya, it's a little risky to do. "Um...truth." Wakiya flashed a disappointed face at me, before closing his eyes and humming, searching for a question. "Hmm...do you have a crush on anyone..?" Of course he'd ask that. I gave Wakiya an annoyed look as I answered reluctantly. "The answer is still no." He asks the same question every year, as if it'll change. I couldn't have a crush even if I wanted to, since I was told to focus on my academics first. Wakiya just shrugged at me and leaned back on Rantaro's shoulder. I wouldn't say it to their faces, but I'm glad their relationship seems to be going smoothly. Since the start of high school, things have been pretty rocky between the two, but they seem to be getting along, now that they share a room. (Woah woah woah c'mon 😏)

"Ummm...Rantaro, truth or dare?" I asked. Rantaro huffed, crossing his arms. "Dare. I'm not a chicken like you." I slanted my eyes at him, thinking of some dare that would embarrass him. It shouldn't be hard, considering he's done a bunch of embarrassing things in the past. "Ok then. Show me the most embarrassing photo you have on your phone." In an instant, Rantaro's face turned a deep shade of red. "Er...I-I didn't bring my phone!" Wakiya sat up as quickly as Rantaro turned red, getting ready to ramble again. "What do you mean? This is your dorm, why would you not have your phone?" Everyone stared at Rantaro as he started fumbling. "I- well, I left it..in my car.." He said hesitantly. Wakiya raised a brow. "Didn't know you had your own. Why're you always asking me for rides then?" Rantaro flushed even more. "I- OKAY CAN SOMEONE ELSE PLEASE GO? I DONT HAVE MY PHONE, I SWEAR!" Lui offered to go next to save him from "embarrassment", but he himself was barely holding back a laugh.

After a few hours of messing around, everyone was back to being glued to their phones. And like always, Wakiya was finding every possible thing to complain about. "Ugh, Daigo, stop sending your weird depressing photos in the group chat!" Wakiya shouted, not looking up from his intensive scrolling. "They are not depressing. Stop being dramatic." Daigo yelled back halfway across the room. I rolled my eyes at the two. Sometimes, I wonder why I'm still friends with these people. I slightly glanced over to Aiger, making sure he wasn't too annoyed. His face was pretty blank, but so far, it seems like hes been enjoying himself. Or at least I hope so. Like always, he had his headphones back on, listening to something. He's been pretty quiet, but Lui claimed that he wasn't around others. I was thinking about saying something, but I kept hearing continuous "dings" on my phone. I sighed heavily in annoyance, opening the Lock Screen and quickly scrolling through the nonsense they'd been saying.

"Seriously Shu? You too?! Stop it!" Wakiya yelled again. Daigo and Shu snickered in the corner, murmuring something to each other I couldn't hear. Once all this chaotic stuff starts happening, that's my cue to pounce. I turned to Aiger and lightly tapped him on the shoulder. He pulled down his headphones, looking at me. "You ready to go?" I mumbled, while everyone else was bickering in the background. Aiger nodded, looking back at his phone. "Yeah, sure."

I nodded in approval, standing up and stretching a bit. Wakiya seemed to notice and paid less attention to his phone. "Alright, we're getting ready to leave now. That was fun though, thanks for the invitation." Wakiya scoffed and gave me a teasing smile. "Why wouldn't I invite one of my best friends? Besides, you're good laughing stock." I raised a brow. "Oh really?" Wakiya nodded, chuckling a bit. "I'll make sure to tell Daigo to send some more of those photos then." I said, winking at Daigo before turning around to take my leave. I faintly Heard Wakiya grumble something, but luckily I closed the room door before I could hear him complain. Aiger smiled a bit as we started walking back down the hall.

"Your friends really are somethin' else." He said in between a yawn. "Eh, I guess. It's all mainly Wakiya though." Aiger chuckled lightly. "Yeah..." I discreetly glance over at him. I never noticed how tired he looked today. Maybe we stayed out a bit too late, seeing as it was nearly 12AM.

We pretty quickly made our way back to our dorm. I opened the dood, allowing Aiger in first. As I thought, he was pretty tired, since no sooner than he got ready for bed he was asleep. I was pretty tired too, but the constant sound of notifications was keeping me awake longer than I'd hoped. I opened my phone for the last time, seeing about 90 messages I haven't read. And as I'd assumed, it was a bunch of Wakiyas ramblings and him going back and forth with Daigo. They were most likely going to be doing this all night, so I silenced my notifications for the time being. I laid back on my bed, staring up at the wood that separated the two beds, and waited for myself to fall asleep.

. . .


I opened my eyes abruptly in the middle of my "sleep", hearing the sound of a phone going off again. I looked over to see if it was mine, but it was still silenced from earlier. I stiffly sat up, annoyed. I couldn't tell if I was hearing things, or if it was Aigers phone going off, but I doubted that, since I don't recall him being added to one of our group chats. But then again, who else's could it be? It's possible Lui could've added him to the groupchat after we'd already left. The dinging started becoming a lot more rapid, aggravating me further. I was tempted to climb up there and turn his phone off myself, but that'd be...weird. And if I got caught, he'd probably start looking at me funny.


I sighed heavily grabbing the pillow I'd been laying on and covering my face with it. Not the best method for blocking out noises, but it's better to do this then start getting other funny ideas (like what 🌚).


"You have got to be kidding me..."


Hi. 🌚

Sorry this took so long. I procrastinated a lot, and then I was working through another story that isn't and probably won't be published to Wattpad, so that added even more time. But now that I'm a little back on track, the next chapter shouldn't take as long as this one did.

Highschool Mishap // Valt x AigerWhere stories live. Discover now